HR Training and Development Definition and Strategy

A company’s human resources department is responsible for ensuring employees have the training and HR development they need to succeed in their roles and drive the company’s growth.

This department uses training and development plans to create an organized schedule of course offerings for specific employees to enhance their skills and knowledge.

In this article, we cover everything you need to know about HR training and development programs, including how to create such a plan and examples.

Table Of Contents

1 What is HR Training and Development?
2 Why is HR Training and Development Important?
2.1 Create and maintain consistency across the team
2.2 Improve employee morale and satisfaction
2.3 Creating opportunities to learn new skills and technologies
3 How to Create and Implement a HR Training and Development Plan?
3.1 1. Know your team’s needs
3.2 2. Make a plan
3.3 3. Delivering training
3.4 4. Evaluation of training success
4 Examples of HR Training and Development Plans

What is HR Training and Development?

HR training and development is a continuing education process in which the human resources department helps employees improve their skills, learn new concepts and gain more knowledge about their specific job or function to improve their job and overall performance.

Providing regular training and development to employees helps the company grow and develop.

As technology advances and becomes more prominent in the workplace, it is imperative for companies to create training and development plans that help employees stay abreast of new trends, technologies and skills.

The HR department can also provide training on updating company rules, policies, and procedures, as well as instructions on the latest laws relating to the workplace and health and safety training.

Training and development can take the form of classroom training, college courses, workshops, online courses, or in-house training. It is up to the HR department to organize these classes and the budget for the materials, transportation and lodging involved with the training.

Why is HR Training and Development Important?

HR training and development is important to organizations because it helps your team members contribute to the overall success of the company by increasing employee confidence, efficiency and productivity.

When you provide your team with training that helps them continuously improve their skills and knowledge, you also encourage them to contribute to the growth of the organization by contributing new ideas. The benefits of continuous learning and development plans include:

Creating and maintaining consistency across the team

When everyone in the workplace receives the same training, they all have the same information base to work on.

This helps create consistency in the workforce. It is your responsibility as the human resources partner to implement training and development programs for company policies and procedures to ensure everyone has the same basic knowledge.

Improve employee morale and satisfaction

You can also help increase employee morale and satisfaction by providing them with the information they need to feel confident in their position.

When a company puts the time and money into training their employees, it shows the employees that they are valued and that the company also wants to help them grow. This helps increase employee morale and overall job satisfaction.

Creating opportunities to learn new skills and technologies

Many industries today are adopting new technologies at an accelerated pace and in order for employees, especially those who have been with the company for a long time, to learn new skills, they need training.

When companies adopt new technology into the workplace, you may be responsible for training existing employees on how to use that technology to increase their efficiency and productivity.

How to Create and Implement HR Training and Development Plans?

If you work in the human resources department, you need to know how to create and implement an employee training and development plan that provides the appropriate training to the employees who need it.

Developing and implementing the right plan is as important as the training itself. There are four basic processes you can follow to build a successful training and development plan and implement a program for your team members:

1. Know your team’s needs

The first step to creating an employee training and development plan is to assess the needs of your company and your team.

There are certain training programs that everyone in an organization should receive such as programs related to company policies and safety issues.

But other training related to industry expertise and knowledge may vary from department to department.

For example, the most effective training and development plan for the sales team is likely to be different from the most effective program for the IT team.

This phase of the process is known as the training needs analysis phase. This may involve having employees complete a self-assessment as well as obtaining an assessment and recommendation from their supervisor to determine which core competencies they have for improvement and what key business objectives those competencies address.

2. Make a plan

Next, you create an employee training and development plan by filling in the main business objectives, core competencies that need to be developed, and an action plan to achieve these goals.

You will need to consider the budget, size of the team being trained, and the specifics of each training course when determining which actions you will take to train and develop your team, when and where the training will be held, what the training content will be and what materials you will need. to make the training program successful.

3. Delivering training

The next step is for you to pass the training on to your team. Whether you are the one providing the instructions or you have worked with training instructors, you need to ensure the content of the training program is delivered appropriately so that team members learn the information they need to improve their core competencies and achieve the key business targeted training objectives.

Each training session should be engaging, entertaining, and engaging so that your team members will receive information in a way that encourages them to retain what they learn and apply it in the workplace.

4. Evaluation of training success

The final stage in employee training and development is evaluating the success of the training and starting a new assessment of the needs of your company and team.

You will need to determine if your team is able to retain and apply the skills and knowledge taught in the training, as well as what core competencies and business objectives they can improve on in the future.

The most successful employee training and development programs are usually those that promote continuing education and growth.

Example of HR Training and Development Plan

You can use the following sample employee training and development plan to create your own program tailored to the needs of your organization and its staff:

Date: 25/11/2020

Employee name: Unkind manners
Department: Customer service
Position: Customer service partner

Main business goals

  1. Increase customer satisfaction levels to 90%.
  2. Increase the number of calls received and completed each day.

Core Competencies

  1. Communication and customer service skills
  2. Time management skills

Action Plan

  1. Complete an advanced customer service training program and apply skills to improve customer satisfaction ratings.
  2. Learn from existing leaders in the customer service department and apply their time management techniques to help resolve customer issues faster so there is time to answer more calls.

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