How To Use Ginger Juice For Hair?

How To Use Ginger Juice For Hair?

Ginger is a superfood, which is used in every season. In the winter season, ginger tea is consumed to warm the body from within, while some people use ginger paste (Ginger for Skin Care Remedies) to get relief from skin problems. But do you know that ginger juice can do wonders for your hair? The nutrients of ginger can give new life to broken, falling, and falling hair (Ginger benefits for hair) and can make them soft and healthy again.

A compound named Kilicon is found in ginger, which helps in making hair healthy. Therefore, today we are going to tell you the method of applying ginger juice to hair and its benefits.

The benefit of applying ginger to hair?

An element called magnesium is found in sufficient quantity in ginger, which reduces hair fall, fall, and breakage. Applying ginger juice to hair provides nourishment to the scalp. Due to this they become long and dense. Apart from this, vitamin C, calcium, phosphorus, iron, zinc, copper, manganese, and chromium are found in ginger, which helps in keeping hair healthy. Research conducted on ginger has revealed that the nutrients present in it can help in keeping the scalp clean and fighting the bacteria present in the scalp.

How to use ginger on hair

1. Ginger and onion juice for hair

Ginger and onion juice

If you want your hair to become long and thick in a short time, then mix love juice with ginger juice and apply it. For this, mix 2 teaspoons ginger juice and 1 teaspoon onion juice and mix well. Apply this mixture on the scalp with the help of a cotton ball and massage for 5 minutes. Leave ginger and onion juice on hair for 15 to 20 minutes and then wash with normal water. You can use ginger and onion juice twice a week.

2. Ginger and lemon juice for hair

lemon juice

During the winter season, people often face the problem of dandruff. Ginger juice can also prove to be very helpful in getting relief from dandruff. To get relief from dandruff, mix 1 tablespoon of ginger juice and 1 teaspoon of lemon juice in a bowl. Apply this mixture only on the scalp and leave it for half an hour. Later wash hair with mild shampoo. You will see the difference within a few days.

3. Ginger and coconut oil for hair

Coconut Oil

A mixture of coconut and ginger proves to be most effective in preventing hair loss, breakage, and fall. For this, make ginger paste and mix coconut oil in it. Apply this mixture from the scalp to the ends of the hair and leave it for some time. Later wash your hair with shampoo. To get relief from hair problems, you can use ginger and coconut oil 3 times a week.

Before trying any home remedy for hair, do a patch test. If you have itching, pain, rash or any kind of allergy during the patch test, then do not use that remedy at all.

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