How to take omega 3 to gain muscle mass

Food is a fundamental part of the process of muscle growth. In fact, a balanced diet adjusted to the objective of gaining muscle is as or more important than the sports routines established by personal trainers. Proteins are essential in this regard, but you can also use another element: omega 3.

It is proven that by knowing how to take omega 3 to gain muscle mass, you can achieve this improvement in your body. Does it really work? How to take it so that it contributes to the growth of muscles? Is it effective in athletes? And in elderly or convalescent people who want to recover their physical tone? we give you all the answers to the doubts that arise on this subject.

Table Of Content

1. Does taking omega 3 help to gain muscle mass?
2. How to take omega 3 to gain muscle mass – tips
3. More tips to gain muscle mass

Does taking omega 3 help to gain muscle mass?

It is enough to look at the scientific part of this matter to know that omega 3 contributes to muscle hypertrophy, that is, yes, omega 3 helps increase muscle mass. There are several studies that have proven the benefits of consuming these fatty acids, both in athletes and in older people or people recently recovered from an injury and who want to recover the volume of their muscles.

The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition demonstrated with its investigations that omega 3 helps prevent the loss of muscle mass in elderly people, since it improves the effect of insulin on muscles, favoring their maintenance and subsequent growth.

Another study published by the Journal of the International Society of Sports Nutrition confirms that omega 3 increases muscle volume while reducing body fat. It also lowers cortisol levels. The subjects who were part of the research were women and men who ranged from 34 years.

How to take omega 3 to gain muscle mass – tips

After verifying that it helps to develop muscles, it is important to know how to take omega 3 to gain muscle mass. For example, to combat the loss of volume resulting from aging, fish is a highly recommended product: it contains these fatty acids that, combined with exercise, contribute to the increase in muscle.

The amount of omega 3 that you must consume to be effective in gaining muscle mass varies depending on age. The highest figure in men is 1.6 grams per day in adolescents 14-18 years old and adults. As for women, the highest daily number is in adolescents and pregnant adults (1.4 grams). If you are an athlete, your diet should contain 3 or 4 weekly servings of fish. At least half of it is oily fish. For the rest, watch your fat intake: always opt for monounsaturated fats (typical of olive oil).

Foods with omega 3

The foods that will provide you with the amount you need daily of omega 3 are the following:

  • Fish and seafood: sardine, mackerel, tuna and salmon.
  • Seeds and nuts.
  • Vegetable oil: soybean, canola, and flaxseed.
  • Certain foods fortified with omega 3, such as some milk, eggs, and juices.

Omega 3 to combat muscle aging

Over the age of 40, the average body mass that a person loses is around 20%. The loss is especially noticeable in muscle volume, but fat is gained and the weight is maintained. Insulin levels decrease over time. To compensate for this, we recommend consuming omega 3, as it is a great remedy against the aging of muscles and skin.

More tips to gain muscle mass

It has been shown that omega 3 is a great ally for muscle growth. Even so, it is one more component of the rest of the factors necessary to gain muscle mass. we give you the following tips to increase muscle mass :

    • Protein should predominate in your diet: it is the essential element to increase the volume of your muscles. Keep in mind that your body has a limit capacity: it absorbs a maximum of 20 grams of protein per meal.
    • Consume more calories than you burn: do it in a healthy way, without abusing very greasy foods that will make you fat. By increasing your body weight proportionately, your muscles will be able to grow.
    • Balanced diet: despite the importance of proteins and the help of omega 3 supplements, you need to cover all your nutritional needs. Do not skip any meal and try to establish a food routine with a doctor so that the process of gaining muscle mass is healthy at all times.
    • Regularity in the exercise: comply with the planned plan and train 2 or 3 times a week.
    • Increase the workload: the frequency of training loses meaning if the volume of the exercises is always the same. It must grow gradually so that the muscles grow progressively and within healthy limits.
    • Review the routines: depending on the agreed plan, you will need to modify it (both sports and food) every 4-8 weeks so as not to stagnate in muscle development.

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