How to start doing yoga

Do you want to start in the world of yoga? This ancient practice has more and more followers because it manages to strengthen our body at the same time that it manages to calm our mind, achieving a strong link between body and mind like no other exercise does.

The success of yoga lies in this inseparable association between matter and energy from which we human beings are made, therefore, in addition to improving your muscle tone, you also improve your mind by oxygenating it, relaxing it and connecting with your “self”. ” inside. In this article we are going to tell you how to start doing yoga with some basic tips before starting and, in addition, we will offer you some of the best yoga postures for beginners.
Steps to follow:
1. To start doing yoga, the first thing we have to think about is the material that we will need to develop this practice. It is true that for yoga hardly anything is needed but for the asanas (postures) to be performed correctly and to benefit from this practice you will need:

  • Comfortable clothes: the best thing is that you have wide pants, that do not squeeze and fit well to your waist. The shirts should also be loose and allow you to move, therefore, avoid those that are very tight and opt for those with straps since they leave your arms totally free.
  • Yoga mat: it is essential to cushion your weight and prevent you from feeling pain due to direct contact with the hardness of the ground. The mats will mold to your body and weight, making you comfortable with the position you are performing.
  • Quiet space: whether you are going to do yoga at home or if you are going to do it in a center, it is important that the room where you do it is quiet, spacious and allows you free movement. Avoid hitting your classmates a lot and keep your living space well-marked so you can express yourself freely.

2. To start doing yoga you must bear in mind that this technique is not a fitness or gymnastics class, but rather a discipline designed to connect body and mind and thus achieve spiritual peace. For this reason, yoga essentially focuses on breathing, tranquility and body awareness, basic elements to be self-aware of your body and leave thoughts behind to be in the “here and now”.

This is the reason why all yoga classes begin with a meditation session of about 5 minutes, a practice designed to eliminate day-to-day thoughts from your mind, connect with your interior and prepare yourself to start with yoga. In this article, we tell you how to meditate with tips that will help you achieve a state of mind of peace and well-being.

3. That said, we are going to give you some useful recommendations to put into practice before you start doing yoga :

  • The best thing is that you do yoga when your body is relaxed, that is, you have not eaten anything within the previous 3 hours because, in this way, you will avoid dizziness, indigestion, etc.
  • Drink water 15 minutes before starting your yoga session to hydrate your muscles and be in perfect condition for this exercise.
  • When you start doing the asanas you should always listen to your body; If any position hurts you or you see that you can’t stand it, stop. Yoga is not a competition but it is about training your body and, for this, you must go little by little and be aware of the possibilities of your body. Never force yourself.
  • You must be aware of the postures you are doing, that is, avoid doing it automatically or mechanically and concentrate on the movements you are doing. Paying attention to the body and relaxing the parts that we are working on is what yoga is really about since it is an exercise in self-observation.
  • Pay attention to breathing because it is the tool we will use to oxygenate our cells and be able to control balance. You must inhale and exhale the air always through the nose (unless the teacher tells you otherwise).

4. In the same way that when you start doing any physical activity you have to warm up your muscles, with yoga exactly the same thing happens. Before starting to do yoga, it is essential to stretch the body so that it prepares for the exercise that we will perform and, thus, we avoid tears or injuries.

The best thing is that you dedicate 5 or 10 minutes (depending on the time you are going to dedicate to yoga) to stretch the main muscles of the body and that they will be involved in the session:

  • Stretches the neck and cervical
  • Stretch your back
  • Stretch your arms
  • Stretch your legs
  • stretches the abdomen

5. Once we have stretched, we can start with the yoga postures for beginners. Remember that the technical name is “asanas” and there are different levels, depending on your physical condition and your practice. We will start with the tree pose ( Vrksasana ) which is ideal to start a yoga session.

  1. You will have to stand on the mat with your legs slightly apart
  2. Raise your arms above your head and join both palms
  3. Raise the right leg and support the plant on the inside of the thigh
  4. Hold on in this position being aware of the work of your muscles

If you have a hard time maintaining this position, you can try starting by lowering your hands to chest height, also joining your palms. You should hold this position until you get your balance and feel comfortable with it; hold for a few minutes and when you feel stable, you can start with the next position.

6. Another of the best postures to start doing yoga is that of the stork or Padahastasana. It is a simple posture to do and that will help you fully stretch your body. Here is the step-by-step:

  1. You should be standing on the mat with your legs slightly apart.
  2. Now, you must slowly lower your body forward trying to touch your hands with the ground. If you don’t show up, nothing happens! Don’t force the body, just let it stretch and become more elastic
  3. Maintain this posture breathing calmly and feeling your body stretch; When you’re ready, slowly raise your torso back to the starting position.

7. We continue with this yoga session doing another posture: the bridge or Setu Bandha Sarvangasana. It is also a perfect position for beginners and will also help you fully stretch your back. You will have to follow the following steps:

  1. Lie on your back on the mat stretching your arms next to your body and with your knees bent.
  2. Feel the weight of your body on the ground, and then slowly begin to raise your hips toward the ceiling.
  3. Focus on stretching your muscles and hold this pose until you feel that your body is completely relaxed.

8. Now you know how to start doing yoga, however, we are going to give you other tips to keep in mind so that you can benefit from this practice and really feel how your life improves thanks to yoga.

  • The first thing you have to keep in mind is that if you have any muscle or bone injuries or ailments, you should consult a doctor before starting yoga.
  • To notice the benefits of yoga, it is essential that you practice it daily because, in this way, your body will adapt to the exercise, in addition, you will be able to clear your mind at least once a day. It’s better to spend 15 minutes every day than to do 2 hours just 2 or 3 times a week.
  • In order to practice yoga on a daily basis, it is best to reserve a moment of the day for it. A good time is before dinner, before bed or just when you wake up.

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