How To Recognize Child’s Constipation?

Mothers always recommend giving natural laxatives to children. However, constipation medicines do not always solve the problem. Then what should be done?

After all, constipation is one of the most common problems across age groups, and infants are no exception. When children say they have pain while going potty, it is likely a sign of painful constipation.

How to recognize a child’s constipation?

It is very easy to identify constipation in your little one. Symptoms of constipation in children include

  • Your baby is less healthy than before
  • He passes hard and dry stools
  • he cries
  • You see blood in the diaper or on the child’s toilet seat
  • his stomach becomes firm
  • he refuses food

What can be the cause of constipation in children?

There can be many reasons for a child’s constipation. These causes change with age but some common causes are listed here.

A diet that is low in fiber and poor intake of water or fluids makes stools last longer. If your child has had a previous painful experience while going potty, this is one of the most common causes of constipation in toddlers.

Illness that may provoke vomiting or reduced intake of food or water may cause constipation Certain medications Breastfed infants are more likely to experience constipation when premature babies are transferred to formula-fed or top-fed However, weaning should be done gradually to avoid constipation in the baby.

How to cure constipation in a child?

If you have noticed your child’s constipation for the first time, minor changes in your child’s food or diet may work for you.

water consumption

Drinking Water

If your baby is less than 1 year old, give your baby about 80-120 ml of water or some fruit juice every day. If your baby is more than 1 year old, give him about half a liter of water or Encourage drinking fluids.

change in diet

For small children, more breastfeeding and formula feeding should be done. Including fiber-rich foods like fruits, vegetables, wheat, barley or grains can also help. Avoiding formula feeds or top feeds is the best medicine for infant constipation. Including fruits and vegetables with probiotics, such as yogurt and yogurt, can improve digestive health for older children.


If your baby is under 1 year old, gently rubbing or massaging their tummy may help relieve discomfort. Give your little one some passive exercise. If your baby is above 1 year old, you can encourage him to do cycling or riding or do some other exercises, which can help in improving digestive health Milk – It is a natural liquid that helps in relieving constipation. Reduces.

Boosting the intake of fruits, milk, and water is the best natural medicine for children, which usually resolves the child’s constipation in about a week’s time. Rarely do these techniques fail; Then you may need pediatric medicine.

Using medication is not a recommended treatment for children, but if you have tried some of the described techniques or home remedies without much results, you may need to use medication after consulting your pediatrician.

This may include pediatric medications

  • glycerin suppository
  • Psyllium powder or malt-barley extract
  • Lactulose
  • Sorbitol
  • polyethylene glycol
  • milk of magnesia
  • Army
  • docusate sodium

These medicines have some side effects and should not be used in children under 2 years of age.

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