Exercising is one of the best keys to a healthy life along with a good diet and proper rest. Carrying out daily activities as simple as going to the grocery store, working, doing housework and picking up the children from school can make your lower extremities feel tired, therefore, to strengthen them it is important to do exercises for the lower trunk. However, there are days when it is impossible to find time to go to the gym and do those necessary lower body exercises, but you should know that you can also do them at home without any problem. It is enough to know some exercises and know how to execute them. According To MadFit 15 MIN AT HOME LEG/BUTT/THIGH WORKOUT (No Equipment)
Table Of Content
1. Alternate ascents
2. Side kick with platform support
3. Fixed stride
4. Cross Leg Bridge
5. side squat
6. Calf raise to two
7. Dumbbell Deadlift
8. Legs roller with flex
9. bridge over fitball
10. Squat with fit ball
Alternate ascents
To perform this exercise, use a step or any object with which you can rise. Follow these steps:
- Start by standing in front of the stepper and with your thighs slightly apart.
- Place one knee on top of the step to bend it a little, hold that position and with the other knee make a slight push backward.
- Use your arms to gain momentum.
Do 3 sets of 20 reps for each limb with 30 seconds of rest between each set.

Side kick with platform support
To perform this exercise you will need a bosu ball or similar surface to support yourself. Follow these steps to do it:
- Lie on one side of your body on top of the ball: part of your buttocks and ribs should stay on top.
- The knee that is closest to the ground should be bent at a right angle. The one that remains on top will do the movement: you raise it slowly as far as possible and then lower it until it almost touches the ground.
- When you are a couple of inches off the ground, come back up.
Do 3 sets of 20 reps with 30-second breaks per set.

Fixed stride
To perform fixed strides you should know that you will not need elements to carry out this exercise. Do not miss the steps that we provide below:
- Stand with one foot forward and one foot back.
- Cup hands on hips for balance.
- Lower your torso by bending your knees and forming a right angle.
- The back knee cannot touch the ground.
Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions, changing the position of the legs between sets.

Cross Leg Bridge
This exercise is not as simple as it seems, however, with these steps it will be very affordable :
- Lie face up on the floor.
- Bend one knee and rest the ankle of the other leg on top of the knee. In this way, it will be crossed.
- Lift your hips up and down 20 times. When you lower your buttocks, they should touch the surface of the ground and immediately come up.
- When you complete the first 20 reps, switch legs to do the next set.
Do 3 sets of 20 reps per leg, with 30 seconds rest between sets. What do you think of these exercises to increase lower body muscle mass at home?

side squat
The side squat is an ideal exercise for toning your lower body. Do not miss the best steps:
- Begin the exercise standing with your shins wide apart (more than hip-width apart).
- Lean your body on one side toward your right leg, then lower your buttocks slightly by bending your right knee.
- Return to the starting position and do the same with your left leg.
Do 3 sets of 15 reps with 30-second breaks at the end of each set. Here you can read about Types of squats.

Calf raises to two
Have you ever heard of this exercise? We offer you all the detailed steps for you to perform this lower body exercise without material :
- In a standing position lean on a chair, wall or bar.
- Raise both heels of your feet as high as you can and lower back down. You can also jump and make it more toned.
Repeat the same movement 20 times and do 3 series, with 30 seconds of rest between each one.

Dumbbell Deadlift
Within the exercises for the lower body with weight, we find the deadlift with dumbbells. One of the most popular exercises, do not miss the following steps:
- Grab a dumbbell in each hand and move forward. The dumbbells should practically reach the ground, with the shins kept in a straight position at all times.
- Go up and repeat the same movement.
Do 3 sets of 15 reps.

Legs roller with flex
To perform this exercise you will need a fitball. This lower body workout is ideal for quickly toning your lower body. Do not miss it:
- Get into a push-up position to perform this lower-body toning exercise.
- Support your legs placed on a fitball. At this point, bend your knees until you bring them to your chest: the ball has to roll alongside your legs.
- Recover the initial position of the feet and do a push-up.
Do 5 sets of 6 reps with short breaks between each set.

bridge over fitball
This is a variation of the cross-leg bridge exercise. In this case, to do it you will need a fitball.
- Lie down on the floor with your calves resting on the ball.
- Raise and lower your hips 10 times. If you want, you can do it with dumbbells.
Do a total of 5 series and 10 repetitions for each of them, taking 30 seconds of rest between the end of one and the beginning of the next.

Squat with fitball
To perform these squats you will also need a fitball :
- Take the fitball with your hands and lean on the wall.
- With your back completely straight, lower your torso and form a right angle with your knees while raising your arms above your head, so that you can hold the fitball.
Do 3 sets of 20 repetitions to exercise the lower body.
What do you think of this lower body routine? If you liked this article and want to know more similar exercises to strengthen muscles at home, don’t miss these posts:
- Functional training exercises to do at home
- strength exercises at home
- The best exercises for the upper body

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