That women want to increase their muscle mass is not always well seen, as many believe that this is synonymous with weightlifting practitioners. However, the reality is very different and every well-cared-for and worked-out body needs some bodybuilding.
Keep in mind that in the case of women this work can be more difficult than in the case of men because genetically they have more facilities for bodybuilding. However, this does not mean that it is impossible for them, on the contrary, having a beautiful and well-worked body is possible for any type of person. To make the process easier for you, in the following article we will explain how to increase muscle mass in women, so get ready to receive some tips with which you will learn how to increase legs, and arms and how to look stronger. According To Roberta’s Gym Best Exercises To Build Muscle At Home
Table Of Content
1. How to increase the muscle mass of women at home
2. Exercises to increase legs: squat with weights
3. How to increase muscle mass in the legs and buttocks
4. Table of exercises to gain muscle mass in women
5. More exercises to increase muscle mass in women – at home!
6. Foods to increase muscle mass
How to increase the muscle mass of women at home
Before explaining what are the best exercises to increase muscle mass in the legs and buttocks of women, it is important to take into account some factors that can make your attempt successful or, on the contrary, fail:
- Have a low percentage of fat: this is essential to start a bodybuilding routine since if there is a high percentage of fat, the results of bodybuilding or muscle toning will not be seen; these will be hidden behind layers of lipids.
- Follow a good diet: due to the above, we clearly see the importance of following a good diet throughout this process. In this case, it is advisable to follow a hypercaloric diet, that is, with a high energy intake so that the muscle has enough energy to grow.
- Hydration is essential: we will not get tired of repeating it, it is essential to drink enough water to maintain good hydration and make all the exercises worthwhile.
- Use weights: It is essential to use weights for each exercise. If you wonder how to increase muscle mass in women, you should know that the answer is to give more importance to the weight you carry than to the number of repetitions. For this reason, it is important to seek advice and choose the appropriate weight.
- Get enough sleep: A very common mistake among those who want muscle is to spend too much time exercising and not enough time resting. The reality is that getting enough sleep and resting when you have to is just as important as exercising. In the following article, we explain how to sleep well to improve sports performance.

Exercises to increase legs: squat with weights
To gain muscle mass in your legs, squats should be an essential part of your exercise routine.
- To do them correctly you must stand upright, separating your feet a little more than the perpendicular of your shoulders.
- Later, you should bend your legs as if you wanted to sit on an imaginary chair.
- Try to go up and down, sitting down and getting up keeping your back upright and straight at all times. Start slowly, and as your technique improves, increase your speed and pace.
When you master them perfectly, you can add load and difficulty. One of the best exercises to increase legs is to use weights, bars or dumbbells with each squat that is performed.
The good thing about squats to increase leg muscle is that they do not require gym machines, since we can do them quietly at home. Even if you don’t have weights or dumbbells, you can substitute jugs, books, or other heavy objects. If you want more information on how to increase legs from home, do not miss this other article on the Best squats for buttocks and legs.

How to increase muscle mass in the legs and buttocks
The legs are a fundamental part of training, as you have already seen, so if you are wondering how to increase muscle mass in the legs and buttocks of women, do not miss the following step-by-step.
- Lie down on a mat with your elbows and knees flat on the ground.
- With your back straight, raise your right leg and start doing glute raises.
- Raise and lower your leg as many times as you can for 45 seconds.
- The leg should be kept straight at all times and you should never let your foot touch the ground.
- After 45 seconds, rest for 10 seconds and repeat the same exercise with the opposite leg.
This gluteal lift exercise, as well as the donkey kicks or the so-called fire hydrant are perfect for increasing muscle mass in women from home. In any case, if you want more exercises for legs and buttocks, in this other article you will find everything you need.

Table of exercises to gain muscle mass in women
To increase muscle mass in women, we cannot focus only on the legs, although these are a fundamental part of our training. That is why, below, we offer you exercises to increase muscle mass in women globally:
Rowing is a very good machine to include in our routine, as you will discover in this article on What are the benefits of rowing. It is an exercise to increase legs, yes, but also to strengthen the arms and back. In addition, it is a perfect exercise to increase your resistance… dare!
Medicine ball exercise
This exercise is based on one that we have already explained: the squats. However, in this case we will add an element of difficulty that can make the exercise more enjoyable and effective. This is the medicine ball, an instrument that we will have to throw into the air just before doing a squat and then immediately catch it again. Once again, if you are wondering how to gain leg muscle mass in women, you will love this exercise, but at the same time you will be able to strengthen your arms and abdomen.
Leg Press
Although it is an exercise to increase legs that focuses only on the lower body, the leg press cannot be missing from your routine. As with all other exercises, it’s important to do it with correct technique, so keep your back straight at all times and remember not to lock your knees.
Dumbbell Press
If before we talked about an exercise only to increase the mass of the legs, now we present you a perfect one to tone the arms. The dumbbell press is a difficult but ideal exercise to work different muscle groups, because with this machine you will be able to strengthen the middle and anterior deltoids, pecs, triceps, etc. If you want to discover The best exercises to strengthen your arms.
More exercises to increase muscle mass in women – at home!
We know that the exercises that we have just discussed have a certain technical complications since they require material that you may not have at home. Therefore, below we show you some exercises to increase muscles in the legs and arms that you can do from the comfort of your dining room. Take note!
- Lunges, strides or lunges: it is one of the most popular exercises to increase legs, as it is easy to do and is very complete and effective. Start standing with your feet a little more than hip-width apart. Positioned like this, take a forward stride with your right leg, inhaling while keeping your back straight. Squeeze your glutes to engage that part of your body with the movement as well. Push back to the starting position with the forward leg, then repeat the process with the other leg.
- Mountain climbers: it is a great exercise for muscular legs, arms and to mark abdominals at the same time. Start in a position similar to climbing; as if it were a push-up, with your hands on the ground and your legs stretched out. To start, bring one knee to your chest and return to the original position to repeat the movement with the other leg. Increase speed, bringing one leg and then the other to your chest as if trying to climb.
- Push-ups: if you want to know how to increase muscle mass in women, but this time in the upper body area, push-ups are your best allies. If you find it very difficult, at first you can start with your knees on the ground, raising only your chest. Over time, make sure to lift your knees off the ground and try to raise your entire body.
- Climb stairs: surely this is the easiest exercise of all, because anyone can do it. Climbing stairs is one of the best methods to increase leg muscle with remarkable long-term results.
Foods to increase muscle mass
As we have already seen, nutrition is key when it comes to achieving our goals in the gym, because remember that training collects 20% of progress and our diet 80%. Therefore, if you are wondering what is the best diet to increase muscle mass, BRIGHTSIDE offers you some Foods advice to Build Muscle and Gain Weight Faster:
- Get plenty of protein – Bananas, eggs (especially egg whites), chicken, turkey, red meat, and legumes are examples of high-protein foods that can go a long way toward helping you achieve your ideal weight.
- Carbohydrates are necessary: if you are going to train consciously to get more muscle mass, you need a good fuel that gives you energy. That is why cereals, rice and pasta, among many others, cannot be missing from your diet.
- Good fats for your body: remember that if your goal is to gain muscle mass, it is essential that your body obtains all the necessary nutrients. In this case, good fats for your body are a fundamental part of the diet, so bet on the use of oils such as olive or coconut, avocados and nuts.
- Don’t give up on dietary supplements – simply ingesting a daily protein shake can greatly benefit your training and help you see results in less time. In this article on Smoothies to increase muscle mass, we explain everything you need to know about it.