How To Identify Diseases In Paddy

This time is very delicate for paddy crops, at this time paddy starts to germinate and this is the favorable time for more diseases to attack, it is very important to survey the diseases and pests in paddy at this time and identify the disease by its symptoms. Both identification and prevention should be done on time. Diseases and their symptoms are given below.

Paddy Ear Gnawing Caterpillar

Paddy Ear Gnawing Caterpillar

The caterpillars of this insect are found in groups due to which they are also called soldier caterpillars. The small caterpillar eats the leaves of the plant and the middle cord and stems are left behind. The big grubs cut the stem of Munjar due to which they are called grubs that gnaw the ears of paddy. In this stage, this caterpillar causes a lot of damage to the paddy crop. There is a lot of crop loss from September to November.

Root grub

Root grub

Its attack occurs mostly around the area of ​​Rajpura, but this insect has also been seen in the areas towards the province. This caterpillar has no legs. Its color is white. This caterpillar eats the roots of the plant in the ground from July to September and the attacked plants remain small, turn yellow and do not die completely.

False Kangiari

With this disease, instead of rashes, yellow to green flaky balls are formed. This disease is more likely to occur if there is rain, clouds and excess moisture at the time of harvest. Excessive use of ruddy and nitrogenous fertilizers also leads to the development of this disease.

To control this, when the crop is in cabbage, dissolve 400ml Galileo Vea 18.76 SC (Picoxystrobin + Propiconazole) or 500gm Cocide 46 DF (copper hydroxide) in 200 liters of water and spray it per acre.

Brown spot disease

Brown spot disease

Along with this, round, eye-like spots appear which are dark brown from the middle and light brown from the outside. These spots also appear on the rash. This disease is more common in weak soils due to drought in crops. Therefore, balanced fertilizer should be applied to the crop.

To prevent this disease, dissolve nativo 75WG (trifloxystrobin + tebuconazole) 80gm per acre in 200 liters of water and spray it twice. First spraying at the time of wintering and second spraying after 15 days.

Scabies disease

Gray spots appear on the leaves which turn brown at the edges. Due to this, black spots appear on the roots of the moonghar and the moonghar bends downwards. This disease attacks Basmati especially where nitrogenous fertilizers have been used excessively.

To prevent this, dissolve 200ml amistar Top 325 SC (azoxystrobin +Difenoconazole) or 500gm Indofil Z 78, 75WP (Zineb) in 200 liters of water per acre and spray it at the beginning of budding and budding of the crop.

Bunt (Fry)

Due to this disease, some grains in the earrings are affected. Usually, some part of the grain turns into black powder. Many times the entire grain turns into black powder and this black powder gets scattered on other grains and leaves. Be hesitant in using excessive amounts of nitrogen.

Rotting of leaves around the stem

The disease of leaf rot around the stem occurs due to the rotting of the sheath of the uppermost leaf (the part of the leaf that is wrapped around the stem). This causes light brown spots on the leaf sheaths and stem. These spots usually coalesce and spread over the entire leaf sheath. In case of severe attacks, delicate buds do not emerge from the sheath or only half of them emerge. White, dust-like buds develop on the newly germinated shoots. With this disease, the nose remains thin and turns from dark red or purple-brown to black. This owl lives on grains and stubble during winter. The stubble of the person who is most attacked by it should be removed after threshing the grains. It is recommended to use disease-free seeds.

To control this disease, spray 26.8gm per acre of Epic 75WG (Hexaconazole) dissolved in 200 liters of water. Do the first spraying when the crop is in cabbage. Do the second spraying at an interval of 15 days.

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