Slim your hips with an exercise routine that will help you reduce fat and achieve a slimmer silhouette. Many people tend to have accumulated fat in this part of the body, especially women, so there are a series of exercises that are indicated to work this area, burning the accumulation that there is and achieving a much more visible result and aesthetically pretty. Next, we are going to show you some exercises to lose weight in your hips with which you will get the body that you want so much. Do you sign up for the challenge?
Steps to follow:
To be able to do this exercise correctly you will have to repeat this movement 15 times and then change legs. Do 3 sets of 15 for 4 or 5 times a week and you will see results in no time.

The exercise consists of raising your hips towards the ceiling trying not to bend your back so as not to damage it, you will have to go up and down your hips without ever touching the ground; in this way you get to burn much more and that the muscles work. Do 3 sets of 15 repetitions every time you train and you will see how your hips are outlined.

The exercise consists of raising both legs at the same time, ensuring that they do not touch the ground at any time; You will have to do 15 repetitions, rest and repeat until you complete 3 series. You will notice that it is somewhat more complicated than the previous exercises, so, we recommend that you do it after a few weeks of training.

The exercise consists of taking a stride to one of the sides, flexing the knee as much as possible and lowering it as far as we can towards the ground; then we return to the starting position and repeat 15 times. We change legs and perform the same exercise that we will have to repeat in 3 series with each leg.

The exercise is very simple because you only have to raise one of your legs up and lower it without touching the ground; do 15 reps then switch legs. Although it seems easy, the truth is that it is an expensive exercise and with which you will feel how all the muscles in the area come to work. With 3 series of 15 you will be able to see results in a short time.

In order to tone an area, it is important to also eliminate fat, so you will have to add some cardiovascular exercises to your training, such as cycling, treadmill or elliptical, which will activate your circulation, making your body have to go to its reserves of fat to be able to take advantage of it and transform it into energy.
At least 20 minutes of your training must be dedicated to this sport practice since it will help you keep your body in optimal health conditions and, in addition, reduce saturated fat reserves.

It will also be essential that you increase your water consumption to 2 liters a day to promote the elimination of toxins, reduce fluid retention and ensure that your body is properly hydrated.

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