How to do meditation before bed and its benefits

Not everyone can sleep easily. Meditation before bed will help reduce restlessness and anxiety which is the cause of insomnia.

Table of Content

1. Benefits of meditation before bed
2. How to meditate before bed
3. Several types of meditation you can try

For some people, sleeping is not easy. Even after turning off the lights, making the bed more comfortable, setting the room temperature cooler, and trying to close my eyes, my body and mind never fell asleep. You are not alone, about 35 to 50% of adults worldwide often experience symptoms of insomnia. Meditation before bed can help with this problem.

Meditation before bed can calm the mind and body while promoting inner peace. Sleep quality can be improved and insomnia can also be overcome by doing meditation.

Benefits of meditation before bed

In a 2015 study published by JAMA Internal Medicine, researchers analyzed how meditation affected 49 adults who had trouble sleeping. The participants were randomly assigned to meditate. At the end of the study, the meditating group experienced fewer insomnia symptoms and reduced daytime fatigue.

According to the researchers, meditation may help in a number of ways. Sleep problems often stem from stress and worry. Meditation can increase your relaxation response. Meditation also improves autonomic nervous control, which reduces how easily you wake up.

In addition, meditation can also increase the hormone melatonin or the sleep hormone, increase the hormone serotonin, reduce heart rate, lower blood pressure, and activate the part of the brain that controls your sleep.

In addition, the benefits of meditation before bed can also improve the quality of sleep and the quality of your life.

How to meditate before bed

Meditation for insomnia is a simple practice that can be done anywhere and anytime. You don’t need any special tools or equipment. All you need is a few minutes of time. Powerful PRANAYAMA To De-Stress Before You Sleep – Night Meditation with Mind Body Soul

Establishing a meditation routine takes practice. By taking the time to meditate, you will enjoy the benefits more. Here are the basic steps of meditation:

  • Adjust the position on the mattress, you can sit cross-legged or lie down .. Close your eyes and breathe slowly.
  • Inhale and exhale deeply. Focus on your breathing.
  • If a thought occurs, let it go and refocus on your breathing.

When you practice meditation for insomnia, start for 3 to 5 minutes before bed. Over time, slowly increase the time to 15 to 20 minutes. It takes time to learn to calm your mind, so be patient.

Several types of meditation you can try

There are many different types of meditation out there. Here are three types of meditation that are suitable to help you fall asleep quickly:

1. Mindfulness meditation

Mindfulness or mindfulness is a meditation that involves focusing on the present moment. The trick is to increase awareness of your breathing and your body. If a thought or emotion comes up during meditation, just observe it, then let it pass without judging yourself.

To do mindfulness meditation before bed you can follow these steps:

  • Prevent distractions such as smartphones or other noises. If necessary, you lock the bedroom door so that no one suddenly enters in the middle of your meditation session.
  • Lie down in a comfortable position
  • Focus on breathing. Inhale for a count of 10 then hold your breath for a count of 10 and exhale for a count of 10. Repeat five times.
  • Pay attention to your breath and body. If any part of your body feels tight, try to relax consciously.
  • When a thought comes up, slowly return your focus to just your breathing

2. Meditation with guidance

Meditation before bed that you can do next is to use a guide. You need instructions either from podcasts, apps, YouTube, or anywhere else.

How to do meditation with a guide is as follows:

  • Select a recording. Dim the phone or device you use to listen to meditation.
  • Start playing the recording, then lie down in bed and breathe deeply and slowly.
  • Focus on the person’s voice, if your mind wanders, slowly return your attention to the recording.

3. Body scan meditation

In this meditation, you focus on every part of your body. The goal is to increase awareness of physical sensations, including tension and pain. Focusing on a part of your body will help you fall asleep and fall asleep quickly.

The way to do body scan meditation is as follows:

  • Remove all distractions from the room, including your phone.
  • Lie down in a comfortable position.
  • Close your eyes and breathe slowly.
  • Watch your weight in bed.
  • Focus on the face. Relax your jaw, eyes, and facial muscles.
  • Move to your neck and shoulders. Then work your way down your body, moving to your arms and fingers, then your stomach, back, hips, and legs.
  • Notice how each piece feels.
  • If your mind wanders, slowly refocus on your body.

Meditating before bed requires patience and persistence. If the thoughts are still bothering you and you still have insomnia despite meditating, you need to consult an expert.

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