How to define biceps without weights

Not everyone has the chance to get fit in the gym. Whether due to lack of time, resources or because there is no gym nearby, there are people who should choose to exercise at home. Today, even at home we can have professional equipment, however, not all of us have the necessary material to do so.

This should not serve as an excuse, since there are many exercises to muscle the biceps without the need to use weights or dumbbells. How? Very easy, using the weight of our own body. In this way we will be able to tone the muscles of the arms; triceps, biceps, shoulder and forearms with great results. If you want to know how to do it, in the following article we will explain how to define biceps without weights.

Table Of Content

1. Biceps without material: bottoms or dips
2. bicep curls on the floor
3. Arm exercises without weights for women: diamond push-ups
4. Isometric biceps curl without weights
5. Biceps without material: lateral walk
6. Define biceps without weights: V curls
7. Biceps exercises at home without weights: recommendations

Biceps without material: bottoms or dips

To do this exercise you will not need any type of material apart from a chair, armchair or bench, a towel or mat and your own body. Forget dumbbells, machines and weights in order to increase the strength, volume and tone of your arms.

This exercise is known as dips or dips and involves sitting in front of a bench or chair with your back against it. Starting from this posture, you must place the palm of your hands on the bench or chair, at the height of your hips, and semi-flex your legs forward. The exercise tries to gently bend your elbows to lift your body weight as if they were normal push-ups. In this way, you will mainly work the triceps, although you will also exercise the shoulders and biceps.

How to define biceps without weights - Biceps without material: dips or dips

bicep curls on the floor

Push-ups are, along with sit-ups, one of the most popular exercises in the world, and when it comes to the arms, they are the quintessential exercise. Surely at some time in your life you have done push-ups, however, your technique may not be as refined as possible, making the exercise not totally efficient.

To do a push-up well, it is important not to move your waist and keep your back completely straight when you are going up and when you are going down. The great thing about this exercise is that you are working your biceps, triceps, and shoulder at the same time.

This is a very popular arm exercise that you probably already know how to do, you just have to remember not to move your waist and stay in a straight line while you raise and lower your body by flexing your arms. With traditional push-ups, you will work the triceps, the front part of the shoulder and to a lesser extent the biceps. In the following article, we explain how to start doing push-ups.

Arm exercises without weights for women: diamond push-ups

Diamond push-ups are an exercise that starts from the push-ups of a lifetime, the one that we have explained to you in the previous section, but unlike these there is a small change in the position of the hands that means that they have to work with more it forces the muscle groups of the arm instead of the pecs.

The exercise starts from the same posture, however, the hands are closer to each other, in fact, the index finger and thumb of each hand should be in contact with the other. By making the base smaller, we will force our arms to work more, so the results will also be better.

How to define biceps without weights - Arm exercises without weights for women: diamond push-ups

Isometric biceps curl without weights

Normally this exercise is done with a bar of more than a meter in length, however, we have already told you that for these exercises you will not need any extra material. In this case, we suggest that you take a towel, a rope or a belt, which will do the same service for you.

It is about grabbing it by the ends while you step on it with your feet, then you must flex your elbows and shoulders until it is completely stretched -be it a rope, towel or belt- and keep it tense for at least 15 seconds. resting and re-tensioning it.

Biceps without material: lateral walk

The lateral walk is a complete exercise to define the biceps, and just like the rest of the exercises that we propose in this article, you will not need weights. As in the previous cases, with the walk we use our own weight to push the arms to the limit and, in this case, in a particularly effective way.

The starting position is the same as push-ups, but keeping the arms fully stretched, without bending the elbows. From here you should move sideways, using your hands and feet without bending your arms. In this exercise, you will especially tone your shoulders, but there is also important work on your arms and biceps.

How to define biceps without weights - Biceps without material: lateral walk

Define biceps without weights: V curls

Like many of the exercises that we have explained to you, V push-ups are also a variation of push-ups to make them more effective or to work a different muscle group.

In this particular case, we start from the normal flexion position, however, we have to shorten the distance between the hands and feet, so that we tend to raise the buttocks while keeping the arms and legs extended. In this way, the force should basically be exerted on the shoulders, biceps and triceps.

V push-ups are a great example that you don’t need machinery or weights to get strong and toned biceps, that there are many ways to train your arms without spending money.

Biceps exercises at home without weights: recommendations

Even if you are training at home and without weights, it does not mean that you should not be careful or that you can do it in any way. Below we will give you a series of recommendations so that you do not suffer any injury and can optimize your effort to the maximum:

  • Like any other training, this one also needs planning. Our recommendation is that you work out between 2 and 3 times a week, leaving at least one day of rest between workouts.
  • Before starting the training you must do a proper warm-up to avoid possible injuries. In the following article, we explain how to warm up for a session.
  • Once the session is over, you should stretch correctly to help relax and recover the muscles.
  • Not everything is working the biceps, you must complement this exercise with aerobic training.
  • correct diet and good hydration are essential to achieve good results.
How to define biceps without weights - Biceps exercises at home without weights: recommendations

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