You know that your little one is not so little anymore when you start noticing his distracted nature. At around 4 years of age, a child is more independent, aware, and exposed than before. They make their personal choices and this is the time, you may start facing your smallest disputes.
Instead of getting worked up about your child’s disobedience, stay calm and try to analyze the root cause of your child’s behavior.
While it is interesting to see whether your child is developing his or her own mind, at the same time, if he or she is becoming too stubborn and refusing to listen to you, then it needs to be handled properly.
Here are some ways I deal with my child’s disobedience:
To Accept
Every person had his own viewpoint. As children grow up, they start taking their own decisions on small things. Therefore it is natural that our thoughts are not the same all the time.
Note the positive features:
When children get upset, as is normal human nature, you should try to calm them down by talking about their good qualities, then you will find that many times they want to listen to you and they will also like your ideas.
Conversations and Tales:
When children are in a good mood, one should talk to them about various things. If you inspire and praise children frequently, they will remain in a cheerful mood. Children emphasize the importance of listening to elders, discussing disobedience to mothers and elders, citing examples from stories or real-life events.
Children have an impression in their mind, so tell them as many positive stories as possible which will help them choose the right role models.
Logical explanation:
If the situation at hand is more serious, instead of yelling and screaming, I try to remain calm. Although not easy. I give him a pause and after some time, I explain to him why his particular behavior or demand is unacceptable.
Kids see the point you’re trying to make, but only if you explain it to them in a way.
Distract attention:
When your child misbehaves, you punish them but don’t take it too far. Tell them jokes immediately, do something that makes the children laugh and these methods are useful in diverting their attention.
Throughout the process, children come to understand that good deeds are praised and being naughty is punished. Thus, balance is created.
It may be surprising for you to observe sudden defiance in your child. Try to understand the changes in his life. Are you having some trouble at school or with your friends? Remember, how you respond to your child’s faulty behavior makes a big difference. Your child is not simply being disobedient, nor is this phase going to last forever. Incorporating many positive elements in your child’s life such as creative timeouts, stories, walks, playing, etc. works in favor of regulating the disobedient nature in children.