How to correctly use a clay mask on the face?

How To Use Clay Mask on Face

Nowadays people apply clay masks to make the face glowing, beautiful and spotless. Being 100 percent natural, clay mask is not only effective but is also considered reliable. This is the reason why clay masks of many companies and brands are available in the market nowadays. Recently, a friend of mine bought a clay mask from a very renowned company and mixed a little raw milk in it and applied it.

When my friend cleaned the clay mask from her face, her face had become completely red. There was a burning sensation on his face. Not only this, after 1 or 2 days, big pimples appeared on my friend’s face.

When my friend told me this, I laughed and said that applying a clay mask on the face does nothing, but applying a clay mask on the face in the right way gives 100 percent effect. Then my friend asked, is there a right way to apply a clay mask? As soon as my friend asked me this question, I thought why not talk to a beauty expert on this topic? To know the answer to this question, what is the right way to apply a clay mask, we talked to beauty expert Mahi Sharma.

The correct way to apply a clay mask

Whenever you are applying clay mask on the face, make sure to follow the instructions given on the packet of the product. Add any other liquid like rose water, raw milk or curd to the clay mask as per the instructions given on the packet.

To apply the clay mask, it should be applied with an Applicator. Some people apply clay masks on the face with the help of fingers. By applying a clay mask on the face with fingers, dirt also gets accumulated on the face. Many times, applying a clay mask with fingers makes the layer thick, which harms the face.

Clay masks should always be applied with a face brush. By applying any mask on the face with a face brush, a thin layer is applied, which is suitable for any skin. There is a risk of the skin becoming dry by applying too thick a layer of clay mask.

If your skin is sensitive or oily, then apply this mask only on the T-zone. Your lips and eye area are more sensitive than the rest of the skin and may be prone to reactions. Therefore, avoid using clay masks on lips and eye areas.

Most people believe that the clay mask should not be removed until it dries completely. There is not the slightest truth in this. If even a part of the clay mask applied on the face dries completely, then you should remove it. If you wait for the clay mask to crack, the skin may become dry.

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