How Many Types of Ecosystem

How Many Types of Ecosystems

In general, there are three types of ecosystems, namely aquatic ecosystems, terrestrial ecosystems, and artificial ecosystems.

1. Aquatic Ecosystem (water)

Freshwater is important because it is a cheap source of domestic and industrial water, freshwater components are hydrological cycles and freshwater ecosystems are disposal systems (easy and cheap disposal).

Some of the limiting factors in freshwater ecosystems include:

1. Clarity
2. temperature
3. Current
4. Oxygen
5. Biogenic salts in water.

The characteristics of freshwater ecosystems include subtle temperature variations, less light penetration, and are affected by climate and weather. The most common types of plants are algae, while others are seed plants. Almost all animal phyla are found in freshwater. Organisms that live in freshwater have generally adapted.
Freshwater ecosystems are classified into calm water and flowing water. Including calm water, ecosystems are lakes and swamps, including flowing water ecosystems are rivers.

1. Stagnant water. For Example: lakes, ponds, swamps and mangroves.
2. Water flow. Examples: springs, streams, and ditches.

1. Seawater Ecosystems Marine

habitats (oceanic) are characterized by high salinity (salt content) with CI- ions reaching 55%, especially in tropical marine areas, due to high temperatures and large evaporation. In the tropics, the sea temperature is around 25 °C. The temperature difference between the top and bottom is high, so there is a boundary between the hot water layer at the top and the cold water at the bottom, which is called the thermocline region.
In cold areas, the temperature of the seawater is evenly distributed so that the water can mix, so the sea surface area remains fertile and lots of plankton and fish. The movement of water from the coast to the middle causes the upper water to fall to the bottom and vice versa, thus allowing the formation of a food chain that runs well. Marine habitats can be distinguished based on their depth and surface area horizontally.

2. Estuary Ecosystem An estuary

(estuary) is a place where rivers and seas unite. Estuaries are often lined by extensive intertidal mud slabs or salt marshes. Estuary ecosystems have high productivity and are rich in nutrients. The plant communities that live in the estuary include salt marsh grass, algae, and phytoplankton. The animal community includes various worms, shellfish, crabs, and fish.

3. Coastal Ecosystem

It is so named because the plants that mostly grow on sand dunes are Ipomoea pes caprae which are resistant to waves and wind. Plants that live in this ecosystem spread and have thick leaves.

4. River Ecosystem

A river is a body of water that flows in one direction. The river water is cold and clear and contains little sediment and food. The flow of water and waves constantly provide oxygen to the water. The water temperature varies with altitude and latitude. The river ecosystem is inhabited by animals such as catfish, carp, turtles, snakes, crocodiles, and dolphins.

5. Coral Reef

Ecosystem This ecosystem consists of corals located near the coast. The efficiency of this ecosystem is very high. Animals that live on corals feed on microscopic organisms and other organic debris. Various invertebrates, micro-organisms and fish, live among corals and algae. Herbivores such as snails, sea urchins, fish, become prey for octopuses, starfish, and carnivorous fish. The presence of coral reefs near the beach makes the beach has white sand.

6. Deep-Sea Ecosystem The

depth is more than 6,000 m. Usually, there are sea catfish and sea fish that can emit light. As producers, there are bacteria that live in symbiosis with certain corals.

7. Seagrass Ecosystem Seagrass

or seagrass is the only group of flowering plants that live in the marine environment. These plants live in shallow coastal water habitats. Like grasses on land, they have erect leafy shoots and creeping stalks that are effective for reproduction. Unlike other marine plants (algae and seaweed), seagrasses flower, bear fruit and produce seeds. They also have roots and internal systems for transporting gases and nutrients. As a biological resource, seagrass is widely used for various purposes.

2. Terrestrial Ecosystem (land)

There are some examples of terrestrial ecosystems below

1. Tropical Rain Forests Tropical

Rainforests are found in the tropics and subtropics. Its characteristics are 200-225 cm of rainfall per year. There are relatively many species of trees, the types differ from one another depending on their geographical location.
The main tree height is between 20-40 m, the tree branches are tall and leafy to form a hood (canopy). In a wet forest, there is a change in the microclimate, namely the climate that is directly around the organism. The hood area gets enough sunlight, variations in temperature and humidity are high, the temperature throughout the day is around 25 °C. In tropical rain forests, there are often typical plants, namely lianas (rattan) and orchids as epiphytes. Animals include monkeys, birds, rhinos, wild boars, tigers and owls.

2. Mangrove

Forest Forests that mainly grow on alluvial mud soils in coastal areas and river mouths that are influenced by tides. The area of ​​mangrove forests in Indonesia is the largest in the world (2.5 – 3.5 million ha, 18 – 23% of the world’s mangroves and wider than Brazil).
Its ecological functions are:
As a damper for waves (including tsunami waves), wind and storms
Protecting coastal areas from abrasion hazards
As an organic nutrient absorber, retaining mud, and trapping sediments
As a nursery area, foraging and breeding fish, shrimp, and wild animals other.

3. Swamp Forest Swamp

the forest is formed because the soil is very wet. Sphagnum swamp is a swamp formed in a temperate climate. Other types of swamps are formed not because of climatic conditions, but because of excessive soil water conditions. The swamp forests are the largest on the coasts of the Indonesian archipelago such as South Kalimantan, South Sumatra, and the Citadil river delta as well as important swamps in Central Java. The dominant vegetation is water hyacinth, lotus, tree, bungur, and dadap. The trees that grow here are tall and thin and do not have thick leaves. Animal diversity is very low, only wild boars, various water caterpillars, fish and snake scrapers are found.

4. Savanna The savannas

of the tropics are found in areas with 40-60 inches of rainfall per year, but temperature and humidity are still seasonally dependent. The largest savanna in the world is in Africa, but in Australia, there is also a vast savanna. Animals that live in the savanna include insects and mammals such as zebras, lions, and hyenas.

5. Grasslands

are found in areas that stretch from the tropics to the subtropics. The characteristics of grasslands are rainfall of approximately 25-30 cm per year, irregular rains, high porosity (water infiltration), and fast drainage (water flow). Existing plants consist of herbaceous plants (herbs) and grasses which both depend on humidity. Animals include: bison, zebras, lions, wild dogs, wolves, elephants, giraffes, kangaroos, insects, mice and snakes.

6. Deserts

are found in tropical areas bordering grasslands. The characteristics of desert ecosystems are arid and low rainfall (25 cm/year). The temperature difference between day and night is huge. The annual plants found in the desert are small. In addition, in the desert also found leafy perennials such as thorns for example cactus, or leafless and have long roots and have a network to store water. Animals that live in the desert include rodents, ants, snakes, lizards, frogs, scorpions, and several other nocturnal animals.

7. Deciduous Forests Deciduous

forests are found in temperate climates that have four seasons, the characteristics of which are evenly distributed rainfall throughout the year. The tree species are few (10 to 20) and not too dense. Animals found in deciduous forests include deer, bears, foxes, squirrels, woodpeckers, and raccoons (compatriots mongoose).

8. Taiga

Taiga is found in the northern hemisphere and in the mountains of the tropics, characterized by low winter temperatures. Usually, the taiga is a forest composed of one species such as conifers, pines, and the like. Shrubs and wet plants are sparse, while animals include moose, black bears, wolves, and birds that migrate south in the fall.

9. Tundra

Tundra is found in the northern hemisphere within the northern polar circle and is found on high mountain peaks. Plant growth in this area is only 60 days. Examples of dominant plants are sphagnum, lichen, perennial seed plants, shrubs, and reed grasses. In general, the plants are able to adapt to cold conditions.

10. Karst (Limestone / Cave)

Karst originated from the name of the limestone area in the Yugoslav region. On average, karst areas in Indonesia have almost the same characteristics, namely, the soil is less fertile for agriculture, sensitive to erosion, prone to landslides, is prone to low aeration pores, slow permeability, and dominated by low aeration.

Artificial Ecosystem

Artificial ecosystems are ecosystems created by humans to meet their needs. Artificial ecosystems get energy subsidies from the outside, plants or pets are dominated by human influence and have low diversity.

Examples of artificial ecosystems are:

1. Dam
2. Production forest plantations such as teak and pine
3. agroecosystems in the form of rainfed rice fields
4. irrigated rice field
5. Palm plantations
6. Residential ecosystems such as cities and villages
7. Space ecosystem

The city ecosystem has a high metabolism so it takes a lot of energy. Material needs are also high and dependent on the outside, and have excessive costs such as pollution and heat. The space ecosystem is not a closed system that can fulfill its own needs without depending on external input. All ecosystems and life have always depended on the earth.

Factors Affecting Ecosystem

The causes of ecosystem changes, among others:

1. Natural Disturbances

For example floods, landslides, droughts, volcanic eruptions and so on.

2. Human Actions

are divided into two, namely:
a. Positive Actions on Ecosystems
• Reforestation, with the aim of preventing erosion and flooding
• Construction of City Lungs, which aims to serve as a source of oxygen and reduce pollution
• Make swales
• Fertilize regularly, aiming to fertilize plants and meet the mineral needs of the soil
b. Negative Actions on Ecosystems
• Indiscriminate logging • Illegal

3. Excessive use of pesticides

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