How many hours should you wear contact lenses a day?

How many hours should you wear contact lenses a day? The answer depends on the type of contact lens used. The average use of contact lenses that are safe and comfortable is 14-16 hours per day

Table of Content

1. Safe contact lens usage limit
2. Dangers of using contact lenses for too long
3. Tips for using contact lenses safely

How many hours should you wear contact lenses a day? This question is often asked by many users. Basically, the limits for wearing contact lenses or contact lenses can vary, depending on the type of contact lens used.

Some types of contact lenses are made to be used for a long time. Meanwhile, some other types may need to be removed after a few hours of use.

How many hours should you wear contact lenses a day

Based on the service life, contact lenses are divided into several types, namely disposable, daily, and monthly. Therefore, some contact lenses can indeed be used continuously for a long time.

However, it is important to understand that the longer you wear contact lenses, the higher the risk of developing eye infections.

Safe contact lens usage limit

So, how many hours do you need to wear contact lenses per day to ensure their safety? Generally, the safe and comfortable limit for wearing contact lenses for most people is 14-16 hours per day.

You also need to open it before bed to give your eyes a chance to breathe without the artificial lens. Some people who have eye problems, especially people with chronic dry eyes, can’t wear contact lenses for a long time.

If you have chronic dry eye, the recommended limit for wearing contact lenses may be just a few hours a day. If contact lenses start to feel uncomfortable, you should remove them early.

Meanwhile, for contact lenses that can be used in the long term, the maximum usage limit is 30 days. You can’t wear it any longer than that. It’s a good idea to take off your contact lenses as often as you want to sleep.

Dangers of using contact lenses for too long

Exceeding the limit on the use of contact lenses can cause various eye health problems. Here are the dangers of wearing contact lenses for too long that you need to be aware of.

1. Long-term use of contact lenses has the risk of causing corneal ulcers, which are open sores on the outer layer of the cornea.
2. The danger of wearing contact lenses for too long can also cause corneal hypoxia, which is a condition of lack of oxygen that can cause the growth of abnormal blood vessels into the cornea.
3. There is also the possibility of corneal stem cell damage. These cells are needed to keep the cornea clean so that the condition of vision remains good.
4. Another danger of contact lenses is that they cause chronic inflammation of the eye. This condition is at risk of causing contact lens intolerance.

Tips for using contact lenses safely

The safety of using contact lenses does not only depend on how many hours you wear contact lenses. According to the CDC, between 40-90 percent of contact lens wearers do not properly care for their contact lenses. This condition can increase the risk of inflammation and severe eye infections.

The problem is not with the contact lens itself or the limit on the use of contact lenses only. Basically, contact lenses can be a safe alternative to improve vision. As long as it is used and maintained properly.

You can apply some of the tips below to keep contact lenses safe and reduce the risk of infection.

1. Always wash your hands with soap first and dry them with a lint-free towel before touching contact lenses.
2. Follow the instructions on the product label to clean, rinse, and disinfect lenses when removing them.
3. Only clean lenses with a sterile solution for your contact lenses. Do not use plain water on the lens as it can be a source of microorganisms.
4. Do not wear contact lenses overnight, unless your doctor has prescribed them for use.
5. Always clean the contact lens case regularly. Follow the doctor’s instructions regarding the period of use of contact lenses and their storage box.
6. Never wear contact lenses after they have expired and follow the instructions for how many hours of contact lenses are recommended.

That’s information about how many hours to wear contact lenses and tips on how to care for them. If irritation and eye infection occur during contact lens wear, immediately consult an ophthalmologist who has prescribed you.

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