How Can We Remove Dried Stains Blood From Fabric

Dried blood stains on your fabric can still be removed, although it will be much more difficult if the stain has been washed in hot water or put in the dryer. There are many methods for trying this, from using kitchen tools or available washers to more robust products. Be especially careful when trying to remove stains from silk, wool, or other delicate materials.

1. Scrubbing with Soap and Water

1. Use this simple method especially for linen and cotton.

This method does not require special equipment but requires a large amount of prolonged scrubbing. It is especially suitable for stains on natural fibers such as linen and cotton. Fabrics whose surfaces have fragments of small round balls, known as ” bobbles ” or ” pills ,” require a longer gentle scrubbing time. These fabrics include wool and most man-made fibers.

2. Turn the fabric so that the stain is facing down.

In this position, the water can tackle the stain from behind, pushing it outwards and off the fabric. Rinsing in this position is more effective than running water directly over the stain.

1. You may need to turn the inside of the garment outward to do this.

3. Flush the stain with cold water.

Even old stains usually don’t fully seep into the fabric, so start by wiping away the parts of the surface that aren’t adhering too tightly. Run cold water through the back of the fabric to push it through the stain. Hold the cloth under running water for a few minutes, and the stain should at least be a little less.

1. Warning: never wash bloodstains in warm or hot water, as this can cause the stains to permanently stick to the fabric fibers.

4. Rub the soap on the stain.

Turn the fabric so that the stain is facing up. Rub the bar soap repeatedly on the stain, to create a thick lather. Any soap can be used, but traditional solid bar soap may lather more effectively than milder hand soaps.

5. Grasp the stained area with both hands.

Roll or wrinkle two areas of the fabric, on either side of the stain. Each hand grips one area to provide a firm grip on that area, so you can rub it together.

6. Rub the stains against each other.

Twist the two cloth grips so the stain is divided into two halves and facing each other. Rub the stained fabrics against each other vigorously, or gently but quickly if the fabrics are delicate. The friction you create will slowly loosen any remaining blood particles, which will remain in the foam instead of sticking back to the fabric.

1. Gloves may be worn to protect the skin from abrasions or abrasions. Tight latex or nitrile gloves can provide the least resistance to grip and dexterity.

7. Change the water and soap periodically and continue scrubbing.

If the fabric starts to dry out or loses foam, rinse the stain with fresh water and rub the soap as before. Continue scrubbing any stained areas in this way until they disappear. If you don’t see any improvement after five to ten minutes, try a harder scrub or switch to a different method.

2. Using Meat Tenderizer

1. Use this on fabrics, but be careful with silk and wool.

Meat tenderizer powder sold at the grocery store can break down the proteins found in bloodstains. Although recommended by some silk experts, meat tenderizers do have the potential to break down silk fibers as well as wool. Test this method first on a small corner of the fabric, to see if there is any damage.

2. Moisten the meat tenderizer without the spices.

Place about 15 ml (1 tbsp) of unseasoned meat tenderizer in a small bowl. Add water little by a little while stirring until it forms a thick paste.

1. Do not use seasoned meat tenderizer, as seasoning can stain your fabric.

3. Gently apply the paste to the cloth.

Spread the paste on the dry bloodstain and rub gently with your fingers. Let it soak for about an hour.

4. Rinse off the paste before washing.

After the time is up, rinse the pasta with cold water. Wash the fabric as usual, but air dry instead of using a dryer, as heat can cause the stain to remain permanently attached.

3. Using Enzymatic Cleaners

1. Do not use this method on wool or silk.

Enzymatic cleaners break down the proteins that make up the stain. Because blood stains are bound to the fabric using proteins, enzymatic cleaners can be very effective at removing them. However, wool and silk fibers are made of protein, and they break down when exposed to enzyme products.

2. Look for an enzymatic cleaner.

If you’re having trouble finding cleaning products labeled “enzymatic” or “enzyme cleaner,” try “natural” or “eco-friendly” laundry soaps, or laundry pre-treatments, which often contain biodegradable enzymes.

1. Nature’s Miracle and Seventh Generation laundry soap both fall into this category.

3. Flush the cloth with cold running water to loosen some of the dried blood.

Rub the cloth with your fingers to help scrape off the crusty material, or scrape it off with a dull knife.

4. Soak a cloth in cold water and an enzymatic cleaner.

Dissolve about 120 ml (1/2 cup) of cleaner in a bowl of cold water, then soak the stained cloth. The soaking time will depend on the age of the dried blood stain, and how strong the cleaning product is. Soak for at least an hour, or at most eight hours.

1. Alternatively, rub the cleaner into the stain with a toothbrush before soaking.

5. Wash the cloth and let it dry.

Wash the cloth as usual, but don’t put it in the dryer, as this can cause the blood to permanently adhere. Air dry, then check for any remaining stains.

4. Using Lemon Juice and Sunshine

1. Use this method in sunny weather.

This method uses common ingredients, but requires sunlight to complete the process. You’ll also need to wait for the cloth to air dry before you can tell if the stain has been removed, making this method take longer than most other methods.

1. Warning: lemon juice and sun are both capable of damaging delicate fabrics, especially silk.

2. Soak the stained cloth in cold water.

Soak the cloth in cold water for a few minutes. While soaking, gather any other ingredients you’ll need. This includes lemon juice, salt, and a zipped plastic bag large enough to hold clothes.

3. Gently squeeze the garment and put it in the pocket.

Squeeze the clothes to remove excess water. Unfold and place in a large, sealable plastic bag.

4. Add lemon juice and salt.

Pour about 500 ml (2 cups) of lemon juice and 120 ml (1/2 cup) of salt into a plastic bag and seal tightly.

5. Massage cloth.

With the plastic bag tightly closed, press the contents together to apply the lemon solution to the fabric, focusing on the stained area. Some of the salt should dissolve, and it can help to rub the lemon juice into the cloth, or scrape off the stain.

6. Remove the cloth after ten minutes.

Leave the cloth in the plastic bag for ten minutes. Remove the cloth from the bag and squeeze out the excess lemon juice.

7. Dry the cloth in the sun.

Hang the fabric on a clothesline or clothes dryer, or lay it out on a flat surface and allow it to dry. Do this in a sunny area, not just in front of a heater. It might feel stiff once it dries, but it will go away after washing as usual.

8. Wash the cloth with water.

If the blood stain is gone, wash the cloth with water to remove all of the lemon salt solution. If the blood stain is still there, dampen the cloth and let it dry in the sun again.

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