How Can Soybean Be Cultivated

Soybean is also called golden bean, which belongs to the legume family. Along with protein, it is also a good source of fiber.

It is very important for farmers to have knowledge of soybean cultivation because it is a good source of income. Let us know when soybean is cultivated and what things should be kept in mind.

Land: This crop can be grown in different types of soils but well-drained, salt and alkaline fertile soils are very good for its cultivation.

Crop rotation: Soybean-wheat/barley, soybean-cabbage-mustard (by Paneeri)

Improved Varieties:

  • SL 958
  • SL 744
  • SL 525

Cultivation Methods

Ground preparation

Prepare the land by plowing twice and harrowing each time. Do not leave lumps of soil in the field. The field should be flat so that the seeds germinate well.

Amount of seed

Use 25-30 kg seeds per acre.

inoculating seeds

Soak the seeds of one acre in minimum water, mix one packet of Braderhizobium (LSBR 3) in it thoroughly and dry it in shade and sow it early. With the use of this vaccine, 4 to 8% more yield can be achieved.

Seed disinfection

Treating seeds with chemicals prevents diseases from occurring in the soil. Seed treatment can be done any time before sowing. Use 3gm Captan or Thiram medicine for one kg seeds. When soybean is to be sown in the field for the first time, the seeds should be inoculated.

Time and method of sowing

Sow the crop thoroughly. If it doesn’t rain, do rain first. Rain after sowing affects the growth of the crop. Sow in the first fortnight of June. Sow the seeds 2.5 to 5cm deep and keep the distance between plants and rows about 4-5cm and 45cm.

Sowing without weeding

Soybean can be sown after wheat with no-till zero-till drills or without weeding. In fields where weeds are prevalent, they can be prevented before sowing by spraying half a liter of gramoxone mixed with 200 liters of water.

Sowing of soybean on paddy field

On medium and heavy soils, soybean can be sown on beds prepared at 67.5cm spacing (37.5cm bed and 30cm empty) with the same bed planter used for wheat. Sow two rows of soybean per bed. Use the rest of the farming methods, seeds and fertilizers in half the quantity as recommended earlier. Irrigation should be done by hand only so that it does not fall on its own banks

By doing this, not only can the crop be protected from rain especially during the growing season, but it also gives higher yield as compared to flat sowing and also saves 20 to 30 percent water. For proper germination of the crop, it is necessary for the water to dry completely at the time of sowing and in case of this not happening, water should be applied in the holes 2 to 3 days after sowing.

Sowing of mixed crops

Soybeans can be grown in corn with great success. Sow one line of soybean in the lines of corn sown at a distance of 60 cm.

Hhandle moisture

Cover the lines with wheat straw or paddy straw to retain moisture so that the seeds can germinate well and the plants grow well.

Prevention of rivers

To control weeds, do two weedings, 20 to 40 days after sowing. Weeds can also be prevented by spraying stop 30EC (pendimethalin) 600ml per acre within 1 to 2 days of soybean sowing. Dissolve the prescribed quantity of medicine in 150 to 200 liters of water per acre and spray it. This medicine kills grass and broad-leaf weeds. If some weeds do not die even after spraying the medicine, then hoe the acre after 40 days. Instead, to control grass, broadleaf and moth, Primez 10 SL (Imazethapyr) 300ml per acre should be sprayed 15 to 20 days after sowing.


If rainfall is good and at the right time, there is no need for water. Generally, the crop requires 3 to 4 waters. It is very important to water the beans at the time of grain emergence.


To get more yield from soybeans, use rude manure at the rate of 4 tons per acre before sowing. Apply 28 kg urea and 200 kg single superphosphate per acre to the crop at the time of sowing. Apply 150 kg single superphosphate per acre to the crop sown after wheat, if the recommended quantity of phosphorus element is applied to wheat. For higher yield, in addition to the above fertilizer quantity, spray 2% urea (3kg urea per acre in 150 liters of water) after 60 to 75 days of crop sowing.

To use it as green manure, sow it (at the rate of 20 kg seeds per acre) in the second fortnight of April. Bury the green manure crop after 40 to 45 days and 5 to 7 days before sowing of soybean in the field. To get full yield of soybean, apply full amount of nitrogenous fertilizer (13 kg nitrogen per acre) along with green manure. Green manure maintains the health of the soil.

If phosphorus and gypsum are not available, then sulfur phosphate fertilizer (13 kg nitrogen, 33 kg phosphorus, and 15 kg sulfur elements per 100 kg manure) can be applied in the soil deficient in phosphorus and sulfur.


Harvest the crop when many leaves have fallen and the color of the pods has changed. Harvesting should not be delayed so that the grains do not fall. The work of taking out the grains from the pods should be done in the same manner as for pulses, but care must be taken that the crop should not be ground too much, which will affect the quality of the produce and the germination capacity of the seeds.

To Store

The moisture in seeds should not be more than 7 percent at the time of storage. Keep the seeds in a dry pot in a sack or on a wooden box.

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