How can I protect my hands and feet from dryness in winter using home remedies?

Dry Hands and Feet in Winter: As soon as the winter season arrives, the skin starts becoming dry due to the cold winds. Here we are not only talking about the face but also about the skin of hands and feet. Some people use lotions and creams to cure dry skin due to cold winds.

However, sometimes due to the use of lotions and creams filled with chemicals, instead of being moisturized, the skin becomes even more dry, due to which the hands and feet start cracking. If you are also troubled by dryness of hands and feet during the winter season and are tired of using various types of lotions and creams, then today we are going to tell you about some special home remedies to avoid dryness of hands and feet.

These home remedies will protect hands and feet from dryness in winter

Do not use hot water

During the winter season, most people use hot water instead of normal water due to cold. Be it bathing or washing hands before eating food, many people always use hot water. Using too hot water also causes the skin of the hands to become dry. At the same time, the feet become dry due to being locked in socks the whole day. Therefore, instead of washing hands and feet with hot water, use normal water. If you want, you can use it by mixing a little coconut oil in normal water. Using coconut oil mixed with water does not cause skin dryness.

Apply honey paste

If your skin has become very dry then honey paste can prove to be very effective for you. To soften dry hands and feet, you can make a paste by mixing a little ghee with honey and use it. While using honey and ghee paste, make sure not to leave it on your hands and feet for more than half an hour.

Use aloe vera gel

Due to the cold nature of aloe vera gel, many people avoid using it during the winter season. But aloe vera gel is considered best for softening the skin of hands and feet. To avoid dryness of hands during the winter season, you can use aloe vera gel in bathing water or apply it by mixing aloe vera gel with skin lotion.

Petroleum jelly

In the winter season, skin needs more care at night than during the day. You can use petroleum jelly to ensure that your skin never becomes dry. You can massage your hands and feet with petroleum jelly every night before sleeping. After a few days of using petroleum jelly at night, you will feel that the skin is becoming soft.

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