Hookworm Infection Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Hookworm Infection Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Hookworm infections are still common because hookworms easily breed in moist soil and tropical climate. Hookworms can transfer to humans through the soil. For example in people who do not use footwear when walking on soil or sand or do not wash their hands thoroughly after touching the ground. Children and pregnant women are more susceptible to infection.


Symptoms of hookworm infection are generally divided into two, namely: 

  • Digestive symptoms. Hookworm infections that cause disturbances in the digestive tract are caused by Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenale. Symptoms can include nausea, abdominal pain, diarrhea, diarrhea mixed with blood, and anemia.
  • Skin symptoms. Hookworm infections that cause disturbances in the digestive tract are caused by Ancylostoma brazilienze and Ancylostoma caninum. Symptoms that arise are the skin of the lower limbs feeling itchy or painful, accompanied by skin that protrudes reddish to form a winding path. This happens because worm larvae get under the skin.


There are several types of hookworms that can cause infection, including:

  • Necator americanus and Ancylostoma duodenal. Both types of hookworms cause disease if a person accidentally ingests the worm’s eggs.
  • Ancylostoma brazilienze and Ancylostoma caninum . Both of these worms come from dog or cat feces. These worms enter the human body in the form of larvae that penetrate the skin of the lower limbs.


To determine that a person is infected with hookworms, generally no special examination is needed. Just by looking at the clinical symptoms and physical examination, one can predict whether there is an infection.

However, if the symptoms are not too typical, then a stool examination is needed. Through this examination it is seen whether there are eggs of worms in the feces.


For hookworm infections in the digestive tract, the main treatment is with anthelmintics containing Albendazole, Mebendazole, or Pirantel Pamoat. The drug is only taken once.

Meanwhile, for hookworm infections on the skin, the treatment can use topical Tiabendazole cream, Albendazole tablets, or chloroethyl spray.


To prevent hookworm infection, what needs to be done is to maintain personal hygiene. This personal hygiene includes: 

  • Use footwear when going out of the house
  • Drink water that can be ensured clean
  • Always wash your hands with running water and soap before eating
  • In children, hookworm infection is often asymptomatic. Therefore, the administration of mass deworming for children once a year from the government must be supported.

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