Home Remedies For Hair Care Tips In Winter

Home Remedies For Hair Care Tips In Winter

It is important to take care of your health during the winter season. It is important to take equal care of hair also. During the winter season, the scalp has to face dryness due to the moisture caused by cold winds and fog. Dryness of the scalp means breakage, falling, and dryness of hair. This is the reason why most people have the problem of hair fall during the winter season.

Some people use expensive hair care products to cure hair fall that occurs during the winter season. Some go to salons and get expensive beauty treatments done. But do you know that you can try some home remedies to take care of your hair in the winter season and make them beautiful and thick again? With the start of the winter season, we are going to tell you some special tips for hair care.

How to take care of hair in winter

Massage with oil

The scalp becomes dry due to cold winds. Therefore, it is considered very important to give hydrogen to the scalp during the winter season. For this, massage the scalp with oil at least three times a week. Massaging the scalp with oil helps in improving blood circulation and proves helpful in hydrating the scalp’s skin. By regularly massaging the scalp with oil during the winter season, one can get relief from the problems of hair breakage, fall, and dryness.


To wash hair in the winter season, one should use shampoo which does not contain chemicals. Whenever possible, use SLS-free shampoo for washing hair. By using SLS-Mux shampoo, the natural oil of the scalp is maintained and hair problems can be solved.

Apply hair mask

Hair masks are most needed in the winter season to protect the scalp and hair from dryness. A hair mask helps in keeping the hair away from dryness and provides nourishment to the scalp. You can try the hair mask of any company available in the market or make it at home.

Use aloe vera

You can use aloe vera to reduce the effect of cold winds and natural moisture present in the air on hair. Aloe vera contains salicylic acid, which has anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties, which help in making hair thick and dandruff-free.

Do not use hot water to wash hair

Do not use hot water at all to wash your hair. Washing hair with hot water causes the scalp to lose moisture, due to which the hair becomes dry. The temperature of hot water is higher than normal water, which can cause irritation and inflammation on the scalp.

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