Hirsutism Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Hirsutism Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Hirsutism is a condition in which there is excessive and coarse hair growth where it shouldn’t be. For example, coarse hair grows in large quantities on the chin area and above the lips in women.

This disease is experienced by many women. It is even estimated that 5-10 people out of 100 women experience this condition. However, this condition can also be experienced by men.

This condition actually does not require special medical treatment and does not endanger the sufferer. It’s just that, hirsutism can reduce the self-confidence of people who experience it because it is considered disturbing appearance.


The main symptom of hirsutism is hair growth in unwanted or inappropriate locations. The hair is generally similar in color and thickness to the hair on the head.

Hirsutism usually appears on the upper lip, chin, chest, lower abdomen, back, and shoulders. In addition, because of hormonal background, skin complaints such as oily skin, lots of pimples, or hair loss on the head can also be other symptoms accompanying the main symptoms.


Hirsutism can occur due to an increase in androgen hormones or due to excessive sensitivity of the hair follicles to androgen hormones. Hair follicles are the part of the skin that functions to grow hair.

Androgens are hormones that are responsible for hair growth. Under normal conditions, men have fairly high androgen levels, while women have lower androgen levels.

In addition to androgen hormone disorders, several conditions that can trigger hirsutism are:

  • Polycystic ovary syndrome (PCOS)
  • Obesity
  • Diabetes mellitus
  • High cholesterol
  • Medication side effects, eg steroids
  • Brain tumor


To determine the diagnosis of hirsutism, a physical examination by a doctor can confirm if this condition is present. Additional examinations are needed to find out the cause of hirsutism.

Generally, blood sugar and cholesterol checks will also be carried out by a doctor. If the doctor suspects that the cause of hirsutism is PCOS, an ultrasound examination of the uterus will be carried out. If hirsutism is suspected to be caused by a brain tumor, a CT scan or MRI of the head will also be needed.


Treatment for hirsutism depends on the cause. If it is caused by obesity, then adjusting diet and exercise to lose weight is the main step that must be taken to overcome the problem.

If diabetes mellitus is the cause, then a series of appropriate diabetes treatments is needed. Likewise, if high cholesterol is the background cause. Adjustment of diet and consumption of cholesterol-lowering drugs is a step that needs to be done.

In addition, to help reduce hair, there are several choices of actions that can be taken, such as:

  • Shaving or waxing hair every 4–6 weeks.
  • Undergoing laser techniques to damage the hair follicles so that they no longer produce hair. Currently, the laser is listed as the most effective hair removal procedure.
  • Opt for the electrolysis technique, which is the action of damaging the hair follicles by using electrical energy
  • Use of hormonal drugs


Not all hirsutism can be prevented. However, adopting a healthy lifestyle in the form of consuming foods high in fiber and low in fat, as well as exercising regularly can reduce the risk of hirsutism.

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