Here Are Ten Aerobic Exercises

With optimal aerobic resistance, the human being can perform greater physical efforts for a long time. Likewise, aerobic capacity allows us to improve motor function in daily activities. In this way, a person who works on their aerobic resistance on a daily basis will be able to avoid muscle ailments and diseases associated with a sedentary lifestyle and low physical fitness.

In this article, we present 10 aerobic exercises. With this physical work routine, you will work the respiratory system and the cardiovascular system while defining muscle and burning fat and eliminating toxins that are harmful to the body. Home Aerobic Exercise Routine with SingHealth Below.

Table Of Content

1. burpees
2. Rowing
3. Bicycle or elliptical, one of the most complete aerobic exercises
4. Climbing stairs
5. Jogging to gain aerobic endurance
6. jump rope
7. mountain climber
8. Jump stride
9. bicycle sit-ups
10. Aerobic resistance exercises: cardio routine



Burpees are an excellent cardiovascular exercise, as they allow you to work your legs, buttocks and torso quickly and easily and activate the cardiovascular system well, providing a lot of oxygen to the entire body. This exercise is a good example of the difference between aerobic & anaerobic exercises since the burpee is an exercise where we want a lot of oxygen to complete it. Follow this simple step-by-step to do burpees correctly :

  1. Stand up straight, with your back & arms straight.
  2. Make a static jump, without taking too much momentum so as not to reach a considerable height.
  3. As you go back down, lie flat on the ground, supporting yourself on the palms of your hands and the balls of your feet.
  4. Perform a chest push-up, keeping your back straight.
  5. Stand up again and jump, that is, perform the same sequence.
  6. Complete 3 sets of 10 repetitions. Rest 30 seconds between each series and progressively increase the speed of the sequence with each repetition.


For people with overweight problems, rowing is an excellent resource to burn fat fast. This aerobic resistance exercise works the entire torso, as well as the thighs and legs. To do the rowing exercise to gain aerobic endurance and strength, you will only need a long and resistant bench and dumbbells of a weight appropriate to your physical resistance to complete it or use the rowing machine at the gym.

  1. Place the bench horizontally in front of you.
  2. Hold a dumbbell in your right hand and rest your knee and left hand on the bench, without bending your spine.
  3. Raise the dumbbell with your right hand, bending your elbow without taking it off your torso. As you perform the movement, inhale deeply through your nose, contracting your abdomen.
  4. Complete 15 reps with your right arm, expelling air through your mouth as you lower the dumbbell.
  5. Reverse your body position to work your left arm.
  6. When finished, sit on the bench, holding a dumbbell in each hand.
  7. Bring your legs together and stretch them out in front of you, leaving your heels flat on the floor.
  8. Contract your abdomen and bend forward slightly at the waist, without rounding your back.
  9. Raise and lower the dumbbells with each hand, bending the elbows without separating them from the torso when lowering the arms.
  10. Similarly, inhale through your nose as you raise the dumbbells and exhale through your mouth as you lower them, completing 20 reps.
  11. In the end, these repetitions modify the extension of the arms, stretching them towards the front (always holding the dumbbells).
  12. Similarly, keep your elbows close to your torso as you contract your arms. Complete another 20 repetitions.

Bicycle or elliptical, one of the most complete aerobic exercises

Riding a bike, whether it’s traditional, stationary or elliptical, is fantastic for improving aerobic endurance. You just have to make sure you set distances and periods according to your physical capacity and gradually increase them, as your physical condition improves.

In addition to helping you burn fat, cycling activates your entire body, optimizing the cardiovascular system. If you opt for the elliptical, it is important to have the help of an expert who will guide you to set the appropriate intensity on the device, as well as to use it properly.

In the same way, before cycling, it is very important that you warm up beforehand to avoid injuries. A couple of series of squats, jumping jacks, lunges, push-ups and basic stretches will help you activate your muscles and begin to oxygenate your body better before you get on the bike.

In this other post, we show you an elliptical machine exercise routine that can help you improve aerobic resistance easily.

Climbing stairs

Climbing stairs

To improve aerobic endurance, climbing stairs is one of the simplest and most effective techniques. Although it may seem incredible, something as simple as going up and down stairs strengthens the buttocks, thighs and legs, helping you to define muscle and improve your physical condition. Pay attention to these simple variants of exercises to improve aerobic endurance climbing stairs :

  1. Rest your right foot on the first step, slightly bending your knee.
  2. Raise & lower your leg, from the step to the ground, twenty times. Then, do the same with your left leg, simulating going uphill.
  3. Then, perform the same movement as the beginning, but instead of using the first step, lean on the second.
  4. Squeeze your glutes and inhale through your nose as you raise your leg. As you lower it, exhale through your mouth.
  5. Always keep your supporting leg firm and stretched out. Also, complete 20 repetitions with each leg on the second step.

Jogging to gain aerobic endurance

Jogging is one of the basic aerobic endurance exercises. All you need to do is put on some comfortable sports clothing and running shoes and head out for a workout. In principle, jogging 20 minutes a day will be enough to improve your fitness if you do it very regularly or, better, daily. As you gain endurance, you will be able to jog longer distances and periods, always at a moderate pace.

This is one of the main differences between aerobic and anaerobic exercises, since, in competitive races, the premise is to cover a short distance in the shortest possible time, making the maximum effort to improve the mark. When jogging, the premise is not to arrive first, but to finish the route and the set time (20, 30, 40 minutes) without getting too tired.

By including running in your daily routine you will see how burning fat and calories is much easier. In the same way, you will strengthen your respiratory and cardiovascular system, while improving your appearance with each kilometer traveled.

jump rope

Jumping rope

This medium-intensity aerobic exercise allows you to work your arms and legs at the same time, helping you tone your body quickly and in a fun way. You just have to make sure you choose a rope with a length proportional to your height and the length of your arms. Likewise, it is advisable to use gloves to improve the grip or, failing that, avoid ropes made of rough material that will cause problems in the palms of your hands. Pay attention to the following instructions to jump rope and improve aerobic endurance :

  1. In jump rope, coordination is key. You must turn your wrists or arms to move the rope, and then jump so that the rope passes under your feet.
  2. Keep your back straight and your eyes straight ahead to keep your balance.
  3. It is very important to regulate the speed of the rope twist to avoid fatigue quickly.
  4. As you gain practice you will be able to increase the intensity and speed of the jump, as well as the types of jumps.

mountain climber

Mountain climber

Also known as the climber exercise, mountain climbers allow you to work your core, legs, and glutes to gain and tone muscle. The best thing about this cardiovascular exercise is that you can do it at home, without the need to rely on external machinery or have ample space. Let’s see how to do the mountain climber exercise, a simple and effective aerobic resistance exercise:

  1. Lay a tarp or mat on the ground.
  2. Lie on your back on it, supporting the palms of your hands and the tips of your feet.
  3. Keep your back and arms straight.
  4. When you are in a position as if you were going to perform a push-up, bend your right knee forward, leaving your left leg stretched out behind you, with the toes resting on the mat.
  5. Alternate the position of the legs, simulating climbing on the ground.
  6. Keep your arms and back steady so you don’t lose your balance. At the same time, inhale through your nose and contract your abdomen, then expel the air through your mouth continuously.
  7. Complete 3 sets of 15 repetitions, gradually increasing the speed of movement in the legs.

Jump stride

Jump lunges are also a good example of the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercises. Here we will need coordination and good breathing, in an exercise of moderate intensity where, as opposed to anaerobic exercises, we do not need to make great efforts in a short time. To optimize the effectiveness of the exercise, you can include dumbbells in the routine. Pay attention to the following step-by-step to learn how to correctly complete this variation of the traditional lunge:

  1. Stand up straight, with your back straight.
  2. Hold a dumbbell in each hand, of a weight proportional to your physical resistance.
  3. Bend your right knee and take a long step forward, leaving your left leg stretched out behind you.
  4. Stretch your arms up, holding the dumbbells, and jump. As he pushes off, he alternates the position of his legs so that his right leg is stretched out behind him as he lands.
  5. Complete 3 sets of 15 reps each, alternating leg position with each stride.

Bicycle sit-ups

Bicycle crunches are a medium-intensity aerobic exercise. With it you will not only work the torso, you can also tone the buttocks if you do it correctly. Here we explain, step by step, how to perform this abdominal modality:

  1. Lie on your back on a mat placed on the floor.
  2. Bring your legs together and raise them, so that your heels are approximately 15 cm from the ground.
  3. Put your hands behind your head, bending your elbows out.
  4. Lean your torso forward, without straining your neck or spine.
  5. Bend your right knee and bring it closer to your chest.
  6. Rotate your torso to the right side until your left elbow touches your right knee.
  7. Return to the previous position, keeping your legs elevated.
  8. Perform the same mechanics but in reverse, flexing the left knee.
  9. On each rep, alternate sides, without stopping. Keep completing reps for 1 minute.

Aerobic resistance exercises: cardio routine

Cardio exercises are ideal for identifying the difference between aerobic and anaerobic exercises. In cardio intensity is moderate, the idea is not to make great efforts in a short time, but to adapt our body to continually work to improve physical resistance. A good cardio routine is the ideal complement if you want to do aerobic resistance exercises to improve it. Here we show you a simple routine that you can do at home, without complications or risks.

  1. The first thing is to perform muscle stretching in the torso and extremities to avoid injuries and ailments.
  2. Start with a set of 30 basic squats to warm up. Place your hands behind your head and bend your elbows. Then, bend your knees and lower your torso, as if you were going to sit down. Raise and lower your torso, pushing through your glutes and thighs on each descent.
  3. Follow with 20 push-ups to activate your core. You must lie face down on the floor, supporting the palms of your hands and the tips of your feet. Raise and lower your torso, without arching your back and keeping your legs together and stretched out behind you.
  4. Then complete an abdominal plank for one minute. To do this, lie face down on the floor, resting on your forearms and toes to support yourself. Contract your abdomen and keep your back straight and your legs stretched out during the exercise.
  5. To finish, perform 10 repetitions of jumping jacks. You just have to jump and spread your legs in the air, bringing them together when they hit the ground. At the same time, extend your arms up and high-five your hands on each jump. The back will always be upright in each repetition.

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