Here Are 11 Healthy Benefits Of Mangosteen Fruit For You

Mangosteen is a fruit that grows in tropical countries. This fruit, which is said to originate from the Malay Peninsula, can be obtained easily in Southeast Asian countries. Mangosteen is also a fruit that is quite popular in Indonesia. 

Not only is it delicious to consume, mangosteen is also beneficial, from the flesh to the skin and roots which are often used as herbal medicine. Actually, what are the benefits of mangosteen fruit for body health? Come on, see the complete review below.

1. Rich in Nutrients

What are the nutrients that boost mood

Mangosteen contains calcium, iron, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium, zinc, copper, manganese, protein, carbohydrates, and fiber. This fruit also contains vitamin C, vitamin B6vitamin B12, and vitamin A. There are lots of nutrients, right, that you will get if you eat mangosteen?

2. Anticancer Effect

Another benefit of mangosteen is its anticancer effect. Mangosteen peel contains the compounds alpha-mangostin,  beta-mangostin,  garcinone B, and garcinone E, which are collectively called xanthones.

In a laboratory study, it was found that xanthones had anticancer effects in test tube experiments.

3. Has anti-inflammatory effects

Apart from anticancer, xanthones are also known to have anti-inflammatory effects. This benefit of mangosteen is obtained from the high fiber content of mangosteen.

Based on research using animals in Brazil in 2017, a high-fiber diet can reduce the inflammatory response in the body. However, further research is needed regarding the anti-inflammatory effects of mangosteen in humans.

4. Helps Lose Weight

Lose Weight

Several studies have shown the role of mangosteen in reducing weight. However, there is actually not much research regarding the benefits of mangosteen for weight loss so its effectiveness cannot be determined.

However, in theory, it is the anti-inflammatory effect that plays a role in increasing fat metabolism, thereby preventing weight gain.

5. Rich in Antioxidants

One of the most significant benefits of mangosteen is the antioxidants it contains. Vitamin C, folate, and xanthones are antioxidants found in mangosteen. Among the three, xanthones have the strongest antioxidant effect.

6. Supports the immune system

Fiber and vitamin C are important for a healthy immune system. Fiber can support good bacteria in the intestines, an important component of the body’s immunity. Meanwhile, vitamin C is needed by various immune cells and has an antioxidant effect.

Several studies also show that mangosteen has antibacterial effects that can help fight bad bacteria.

7. Helps control blood sugar

A 2018 study showed that obese women who consumed 400 milligrams of mangosteen extract supplements had a significant reduction in insulin resistance, which is a risk factor for diabetes.

The benefits of mangosteen are obtained from the combination of xanthones and fiber which have the effect of controlling blood sugar. Mangosteen is also good for controlling blood sugar in diabetes sufferers.

8. Maintain healthy skin

Skin damage due to sun exposure is something that often occurs and is a risk factor for aging and skin cancer. Mangosteen extract showed a protective effect against ultraviolet B radiation on the skin through a study in Korea in 2017.

Apart from that, mangosteen extract also has benefits in increasing skin elasticity. This effect is obtained through the antioxidant content and anti-inflammatory effects of mangosteen fruit.

9. Good for the Brain

The benefits of mangosteen for brain health are also no joke, you know. Mangosteen extract can prevent damage and death of brain cells, as well as maintain brain electrical flow. Not only that, xanthones in mangosteen also increase brain cell regeneration.

Even though it is quite promising, the benefits of mangosteen have only been proven through research conducted on animals. Therefore, it is not yet known whether research on humans can cause similar effects or not.

10. Maintains digestive health

Mangosteen contains high fiber. Fiber is needed for digestive health and is good for the good bacteria in the intestines. Mangosteen peel brewed into tea also works to relieve diarrheayou know

11. Prevents Cardiovascular Disease

Another health benefit of mangosteen is preventing cardiovascular disease. This benefit comes from the contents of the mangosteen fruit which are very important for the body.

The copper, potassium, manganese, and magnesium content in mangosteen fruit can help lower blood pressure. Mangosteen extract can also reduce bad cholesterol and triglycerides and increase good cholesterol.

The health benefits of mangosteen still require further research. However, there is nothing wrong if you want to use mangosteen as a variety of fruit menu at home. Combine it with other healthy food sources, OK!

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