Healthy Ways to Increase Your Appetite Without the Hassle

Healthy Ways to Increase Your Appetite Without the Hassle

Appetite can be reduced for many reasons, from stress to side effects of medications. Not infrequently, many are looking for ways to increase appetite to maintain ideal body weight.

However, for those with a body that is too thin or often loses weight, this condition is certainly worrying. So, how healthy way to restore appetite?

How to increase appetite

You can just force yourself to eat even though your appetite is decreasing, but this way will actually stress you out. Instead, you can do the following tips.

1. Eat small portions but often

A large plate of rice and side dishes may seem difficult for you to finish in one meal, especially if you have indigestion or easily feel full.

Instead of forcing yourself to eat three large meals a day, try eating 6–7 smaller meals than usual.

This method can increase appetite and meet calorie needs without causing a full stomach.

2. Eat at the same time

If you are always waiting to get hungry before eating, your eating schedule will become irregular, especially if your appetite decreases.

Therefore, try to eat at the same time every day. A regular eating schedule will keep your appetite stable.

Plus, you won’t overeat because your body is trained to release hunger hormones on a regular basis.

3. Don’t skip breakfast

Breakfast is considered the most important meal of the day because this is where you get the energy for your activities.

Intake of calories and nutrients from breakfast can also help maintain body weight while preventing obesity.

In addition, a study in The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition (2014) found that breakfast can increase calorie burning.

In this way, breakfast will increase your appetite because you will feel hungry at the next meal.

4. Make mealtime a social time

Eating alone or eating at your desk might give you an appetite. Fight this feeling by taking your office mates out for lunch or inviting your close friends to dinner with you.

By making eating a social time, you’ll have something to look forward to besides the meal itself.

So, you can keep eating even if you’re not that passionate.

5. Provide the stock of favorite food

Fill your fridge and pantry with the foods you love.

You can also experiment with various recipes that you’ve always wanted to try. Unknowingly, this method may increase appetite.

Even so, make sure your food ingredients contain balanced nutrition. Keep limiting instant and high-sugar foods.

Don’t forget to multiply natural foods such as meat, eggs, fruit, and vegetables.

6. Use a larger plate

When your appetite drops, seeing large portions of food will actually make you want to eat less.

Luckily, you can get around this by serving food on larger plates.

This method can increase appetite because the brain thinks that the portion served is smaller. Of course, this will help people who want to gain weight.

7. Vary the ingredients

If you have no appetite because the food lacks color or tastes bland, try making it more appealing.

You can make a more colorful dish with tomatoes and yellow peppers.

If you don’t like to eat vegetables in the form of clear vegetables, try making other processed vegetable creations. You can make vegetable salads, stir fry or stir fry, and much more.

8. Add spices

Another way to increase appetite is to add spices to food.

Spices will enrich the taste, appearance and aroma of the dishes you make.

Spices such as ginger, black pepper, cinnamon, and coriander can treat flatulence which is the cause of decreased appetite.

So, the next time you cook, don’t forget to add these spices to it.

9. Do not drink before eating

Drinking water before eating can make you full quickly so your appetite decreases.

This method may help people who want to lose weight, but not for those who want to increase appetite.

Of course there’s nothing wrong with having a drink with your meal, but just drink it in a few sips so you can focus on eating.

You should also drink more after eating.

10. Exercise

Physical activity triggers the release of chemical compounds from the brain that improve mood and stimulate appetite. This is the reason why you tend to feel hungry after exercise.

So, if you want to increase your appetite, try increasing your physical activity by doing 30 minutes of aerobic exercise a day.

Sports that are classified as aerobics include fast walking, jogging, swimming, and gymnastics.

11. Change the texture of food

Changing the texture of food can help increase appetite in people who have difficulty swallowing or chewing food.

For example, you can chop meat and vegetables into small pieces.

Liquids such as broth or milk can also be used to puree food without compromising its flavor.

If you want a snack with a soft texture, yogurt and thick soup can be an option.

12. Reduce fiber intake

Fiber is important for health, but this nutrient can slow digestion and keep you full longer.

This is why one of the ways to increase appetite is to reduce fiber accordingly.

You don’t have to eliminate food sources of fiber in the daily menu. However, you can replace high-fiber fruits or vegetables with alternatives that are lower in fiber content.

13. Complementing appetite-enhancing nutrition

Some people may have a low appetite due to a deficiency in certain micronutrients. These nutrients are needed in small amounts but can have a big effect on the body.

Several types of nutrients that affect appetite are as follows.

1. Vitamin B1: plays an important role in controlling hunger and satiety in an area of ​​the brain called the hypothalamus.
2. Omega-3: increasing food intake or omega-3 supplementation can lead to increased hunger.
3. Zink: serves as an appetite stimulator or trigger appetite in the brain.

You can get these types of micronutrients through natural foods and supplements. However, make sure you consult your doctor before taking any supplements.

There are various ways you can do to restore appetite. The simple method above is usually quite powerful. If your appetite continues to decrease, it’s a good idea to consult a doctor.

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