Habits That Cause Hair Loss

Hair loss can occur due to bad habits that you do. Come on, find out the various habits that cause hair loss below.

A person’s hair will actually thin as they get older. However, habits that cause hair loss can make the condition worse.

A person is said to be experiencing hair loss if they lose more than 100 strands of hair every day. This condition can occur in 1 or more areas of the scalp.

If the hair loss continues, you could end up with baldness (alopecia). Here are some habits that cause hair loss.

1. Take a shower with hot water

Bathing in hot water is enjoyable and relaxes the body. However, hot water can make dry hair brittle, break easily and fall out.

Hot temperatures strip hair of its protective oils and cause scalp pores to produce excess oil. This of course damages the hair roots and causes them to fall out.

2. Wrong When Hair is Wet

Hair becomes more vulnerable when wet. This is because the hair cuticle is slightly raised.

Aggressively drying and combing hair with a towel when wet triggers hair loss.

That’s why, avoid activities that cause hair loss. It’s best to comb your hair before shampooing so that it doesn’t get too tangled.

3. Excessive Dieting

Food also affects hair health. Excessive dieting directs intake to important organs, such as the brain and heart.

As a result, hair is neglected and falls out easily. Eating protein-rich foods, such as fish, chicken and nuts, can help maintain healthy hair.

4. Using Hair Styling Tools and Beauty Products

Along with advances in technology, many hair styling tools and hair beauty products are practical to use. For example, hair dryer, straight iron, curly iron, hair spray, wax, and so on.

Unfortunately, using styling tools too often can damage the proteins that makeup hair and its protective cuticle.

When the hair’s protective cuticle is damaged, hair moisture is disturbed and hair falls out easily.

5. Tying your hair too tightly

It is not uncommon for women to tie their hair in a ponytail or braid. Sometimes the hair is tied so tightly that the scalp is pulled.

This hair tie style can actually put excess pressure on the hair follicles.

As a result, hair follicles become permanently weakened and make it impossible for hair to grow back. This is also called traction alopecia (baldness due to traction).

6. Dying Hair

One of the habits that causes hair loss is dyeing your hair. The chemicals in hair dye can damage the proteins in the hair shaft. Hair also breaks easily and falls out.

In addition, dyeing your hair to make it a lighter color can cause more damage to the crown of your head. The reason is that bright hair dye is high in peroxide content.

7. Stress

One of the causes of persistent hair loss is stress. If you are experiencing serious problems and are under a lot of stress, look for ways to relax.

By managing stress as best as possible, hair loss will slowly decrease.

8. Washing your hair too often

Everyone has different shampooing habits. People who have oily scalp tend to wash their hair every day.

Meanwhile, those who have long and thick hair tend to be lazy about washing their hair every day.

Whatever your habits, shampooing too often can make your hair dry and fall out easily.

9. Smoking

Smoking is one of the habits that causes hair loss that you must stop. Smoking can cause hair thinning by reducing blood flow to the scalp.

Reduced blood flow to the scalp can inhibit the growth of hair follicles and cause hair loss.

10. Ignoring Scalp Problems

Problems with the scalp can also cause hair loss. For example, dandruff, fungal infections of the scalp, and psoriasis.

When you have dandruff, your scalp feels oily, and yellowish-white flakes appear that fall on your shoulders or remain in your hair. If you experience scalp problems, get them treated immediately.

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