Functions of Food for the Human Body to Stay Healthy

Functions of Food for the Human Body to Stay Healthy

Every day, you need food intake to stay healthy and do your activities optimally. Eating delicious and nutritious food can also make the days feel more enjoyable. So, what are the functions of food for the body?

The function of food for health

The body needs food to work properly. Here’s the role of food for the body and health.

1. Gives energy

The function of food for the body is to provide an energy supply for physical activities, such as walking, working and exercising.

Not only that, energy supplies are also needed so that organs, such as the stomach, lungs and heart, can carry out their functions properly.

Nutrients in foods that provide the main energy supply are carbohydrates, such as potatoes, rice, sweet potatoes, and flour.

High-fat intake can also provide energy, but the body usually stores it as a reserve.

The body will use fat as an energy supply if you are doing activities that are quite strenuous for a long time, for example when running a marathon.

2. Provide energy reserves

The results of food digestion can also be energy stores in the body. Energy reserves are needed so that the body continues to function even if you are not eating and drinking, such as when fasting.

There are three types of nutrients that can be processed into energy reserves, namely carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

Carbohydrates are stored in the form of glycogen in the muscles and liver. Carbohydrates and protein can also be stored in the body’s fat (adipose) tissue.

The body will store carbohydrates, proteins, and fats in fat tissue when there is an excess of all three and are not immediately burned for energy.

3. Reducing the risk of getting sick

The next benefit of food is that it helps strengthen the body so that it doesn’t get sick easily.

Consumption of food with balanced nutrients makes the body’s cell function work optimally.

Lack of nutrients certainly causes health problems. For example, iron deficiency can cause iron deficiency anemia (deficiency).

Iron deficiency anemia causes the body to lack red blood cells. This condition can weaken the immune system, making the body susceptible to bacterial or viral infections.

4. Stimulate body growth

Nutrients from food have an important function in the growth and development of all cells, tissues and organs of the body.

Take the example of protein, the body needs vegetable and animal protein to build muscle, skin and hair.

Other nutrients such as folic acid even provide benefits since humans are still in the womb. High intake of folate in pregnant women is needed so that the nerves in the fetus can form perfectly.

Eating foods high in vitamin D and calcium also forms and strengthens bones and teeth. Bones are the main foundation of the body structure that supports organs, muscles and joints.

5. Repairing damaged body tissue

Another function of food is to help repair body tissue damaged by illness or injury.

Foods containing protein help repair small tears in muscle fibers due to intense physical activity.

Meanwhile, a high intake of carbohydrates can increase energy so that the process of repairing muscle tissue continues to run well.

Damaged tissue can also occur as a result of an injury. Well, vegetables or fruits high in vitamin C help wound healing by stimulating collagen formation.

Collagen is a protein in the skin that functions to cover wounds and form new skin tissue.

6. Protect the body from outside exposure

The external environment creates free radicals that can damage body cells, such as pollution, cigarette smoke, and sunlight.

Foods rich in antioxidants have the function of protecting the body from exposure to free radicals. Antioxidants can be obtained from vitamin C, vitamin E, selenium, and flavonoids.

Sources of antioxidants can be obtained from vegetables and fruit. You can also choose colorful vegetables and fruits. Its natural color content is also high in antioxidants.

One type of natural dye that is rich in antioxidants, namely beta-carotene. You can find it in yellow fruits and vegetables, such as pumpkin and carrots.

7. Maintaining nerve health

Foods that contain vitamin B complex can maintain nerve health.

A healthy nervous system will provide signals between the brain and other organs in the body. This allows you to move, breathe, see, and even think.

A deficiency of vitamin B can increase the risk of nerve problems, such as impaired vision, senility, difficulty moving the body, numbness, and tingling.

Foods rich in B vitamins are in green vegetables and nuts. If you want to get your intake of vitamin B12, you can consume it from animal sources, such as milk, eggs, fish, meat, and yogurt.

8. Regulating body metabolism

Metabolism is a chemical reaction in the body to convert food into energy. The body needs energy to perform its functions, from thinking, moving, to growing.

When you get an adequate intake of nutritious food, the body’s metabolic function can run smoothly.

A smooth metabolic rate helps the process of losing weight gradually. This means that the body can use nutrients from food optimally, including turning them into energy and preventing fat gain due to excess intake.

However, consuming too little food, without enough physical activity, makes the metabolism slow down.

For that, you need to ensure daily nutrition remains complete and balanced and adopt an active lifestyle.

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