Foods that Cause Stomach Acid to Avoid

Foods that cause stomach acid, such as chocolate and garlic, can actually cause symptoms of burning in the chest, due to stomach acid rising into the esophagus.

Table of Content

1. Foods that cause stomach acid to avoid
2. Lifestyle changes to reduce stomach acid

A series of foods that cause stomach acid can be a guide for sufferers, in order to avoid symptoms of burning in the chest, due to stomach acid rising into the esophagus. Knowing the various foods that cause stomach acid can also prevent a sudden rise in stomach acid.

Foods that cause stomach acid to avoid

Although doctors are still debating about foods that cause stomach acid, several studies have proven that there are indeed certain types of foods that can “trigger” stomach acid to rise. Anything, huh?

1. High-fat foods

Fried and high-fat foods can cause the lower esophageal sphincter (LES) or the muscle at the bottom of the esophagus to weaken, allowing stomach acid to rise up into the esophagus. Fried foods and high fat also make the gastric emptying process hampered.

Eating high-fat foods will only increase the risk of developing stomach acid symptoms. Therefore, reducing fatty foods can help you avoid them.
The following are some high-fat foods that you need to avoid or reduce, in order to prevent stomach acid from returning:

1. French fries and onion rings (fried onions)
2. High-fat dairy products, such as butter, whole milk, to cheese
3. Fatty cuts of beef, pork or lamb
4. Desserts like ice cream or potato chips
5. Oily food

Let’s love your body by avoiding or reducing high-fat foods. Besides being able to prevent stomach acid from rising, reducing high-fat foods can also prevent heart disease.

2. Tomato

Although it contains many good nutrients such as lycopene, tomatoes also turn out to be foods that cause stomach acid. This red fruit contains high acid, so it can cause heartburn in people with stomach acid.

3. Citrus fruits

Citrus fruits are high in acid. Even though it is healthy, people with stomach acid cannot eat it at will.

In fact, people with acid reflux are advised to avoid or reduce citrus fruits, such as:

Citrus fruits

1. Orange
2. Pomelo
3. Lemon
4. Lime
5. Pineapple

Although citrus fruits are healthy foods that must be included in the diet menu, people with stomach acid are advised not to consume them in excess, because they can worsen the symptoms of stomach acid.

4. High cholesterol foods

A study released by Alimentary Pharmacology and Therapeutics tries to explain the relationship between high cholesterol foods and stomach acid.

As it turned out, the researchers found that people who consumed more cholesterol and saturated fatty acids were more prone to acid reflux symptoms.

5. Chocolate


This snack that children like turns out to be a food that causes stomach acid which should also be avoided. This is because chocolate contains methylxanthine, which weakens the muscles at the bottom of the esophagus, causing stomach acid to rise.

6. Garlic

Garlic is often thought to trigger heartburn in people with stomach acid. Especially if consumed raw.

Likewise with garlic supplements, which if consumed by people with stomach acid, can cause nausea, dizziness, and flushed face.

Keep in mind, not all people with stomach acid can feel heartburn if they eat garlic. Because everyone has different foods that trigger stomach acid.

7. Caffeine


The coffee you drink in the morning to relieve drowsiness can actually cause stomach acid symptoms. Because the caffeine in coffee can trigger stomach acid.

Again, studies have shown that not all people with acid reflux experience symptoms after drinking coffee. Some of them did not feel the emergence of symptoms of stomach acid after drinking coffee.

More research is still needed to prove the relationship between caffeine and stomach acid.

8. Daun mint

Mint leaves do provide a refreshing sensation, especially for the mouth. However, all foods that contain mint or mint flavor should be avoided by people with stomach acid. Because, mint leaves or flavors can invite symptoms of stomach acid.

9. Soda

Soda and other carbonated drinks are one of the main causes of acid reflux. Carbonation bubbles in soda can cause stomach acid to rise. Not to mention soft drinks that are equipped with artificial sweeteners.

10. Alcohol


Alcohol consumption can trigger symptoms of stomach acid and cause damage to the esophageal mucosa. In many cases, stomach acid symptoms can be overcome by reducing alcohol consumption. That is why acid reflux patients are advised to avoid alcohol.

11. Spicy food

Spicy food can trigger acid reflux. In addition, spicy food can also injure the esophagus alias esophagus. What’s more, spicy foods can cause heartburn symptoms.

Because, spicy foods such as chili, contain capsaicin, a compound that can slow down the digestive system. Automatically, food will last longer in the stomach, so heartburn is at risk of appearing.

12. Garlic

The next food to avoid stomach acid is onions. Reporting from the Gastroenterology Consultants of San Antonio website, raw onions can stimulate acid production. This increased acid production has the potential to cause heartburn.

However, foods that cause stomach acid for each person are different. For example, if garlic can cause heartburn symptoms in you, it may not have the same effect in other people who also suffer from acid reflux.

That’s the importance of writing down foods that cause stomach acid, so that there is a “reminder” so you don’t eat them.

Lifestyle changes to reduce stomach acid

In addition to some of the foods that cause stomach acid above, let’s make lifestyle changes to relieve stomach acid by:

1. Maintain an ideal weight
2. Avoid alcohol
3. Stop the smoking habit
4. Do not overeat
5. Eat slowly
6. Avoid wearing tight clothes
7. Don’t eat 3-4 hours before bed

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