Epididymitis Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Epididymitis Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Epididymitis is inflammation of the epididymis. The epididymis itself is a coiled structure that attaches to the back of the testicle and serves as a storage site for mature sperm.

This infection can affect men of all ages, although it usually affects men aged 14–35 years. Men who frequently change partners and have unsafe sexual intercourse are prone to epididymitis through bacteria that cause sexually transmitted infections.


Some signs that can generally occur in epididymitis include:

1. Gradual scrotal pain
2. The scrotum is swollen
3. Red testicles
4. The testicles are hot
5. Fever
6. Painful urination
7. Pain during intercourse.
8. Enlarged inguinal lymph nodes


There are many possible causes of epididymitis. Generally, this disorder is caused by bacteria. There are several types of bacteria that cause epididymitis. Most are caused by sexually transmitted infections, including chlamydia and gonorrhea (GO). However, this infection can also occur due to infections related to the urinary tract (urethritis), although they are not common.

Apart from bacteria, viruses are the dominant cause in children. In epididymitis caused by a virus, there is no pyuria (a sign of inflammation or bacterial attack found in the urine). While epididymitis caused by tuberculosis bacilli, often occurs in TB-endemic areas.


The diagnosis of epididymitis can be determined from a medical interview and physical examination. From the collection of medical information, symptoms will be found in the form of pain in the scrotum. Pain can spread to the groin area accompanied by a high increase in body temperature. Meanwhile, on physical examination, a swollen and reddish scrotum will be found.

Through laboratory tests will be found an increase in leukocytes. Examinations needed to support the diagnosis of epididymitis are urine culture, Gram staining of penile secretions, or color Doppler ultrasonography.


The goal of treating epididymitis is to cure the infection and reduce disease transmission. One of the main therapies for epididymitis is through the adequate administration of antibiotics. Several choices of antibiotics that can be used are levofloxacin and ceftriaxone.

Rest lying down for two to three days is usually necessary to prevent overstretching the scrotum. Scrotal swelling and pain can be reduced by applying ice packs and analgesics.


Epididymitis prevention that can be done is to avoiding risky behavior, such as free sex. In addition, it is important to always maintain the cleanliness of the urogenital area or genitals.

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