Dry Eyes Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Dry Eyes Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


A dry eye is a disorder on the surface of the eye which is characterized by the instability of the production of the tear film. A person with dry eyes will complain of an itchy sensation or a gritty feeling in the eyes.

In the medical world, dry eyes are also known as keratoconjunctivitis sicca, or to make it easier to call dry eye syndrome. The severity of dry eye complaints varies, ranging from mild to severe. Even in some cases, dry eyes can also be accompanied by complications.


There are several symptoms or signs that can be recognized when a person experiences dry eye complaints, such as:

  • Patients with dry eyes most often complain of an itchy or gritty (foreign body) sensation.
  • Eyes feel dry, hot, red, and watery
  • Eyes feel tired easily
  • Eyes hurt
  • Itchy eyes


There are many causes of dry eyes, ranging from disorders that are acquired from birth to disorders that are acquired. Disorders of the lacrimal glands, glands that produce tears, can be caused by age, decreased androgen hormones, systemic inflammatory diseases, and surgery that affects the trigeminal nerve.


The medical interview is the first step in determining the diagnosis of dry eyes. Patient complaints in the form of itchy, tired eyes, blurred and sticky vision are common complaints felt by patients.

Apart from being supported by medical interviews and physical examinations, there are several supporting examinations to diagnose dry eye disorders. The Schirmer test is one of the tests that is often performed to diagnose dry eye complaints. This test aims to determine whether the tear production is sufficient to moisten the eye.


Dry eyes can be treated by doing various things. You can compress your eyes with warm water for 2 minutes. Do it 2-4 times a day. Then clean with baby shampoo.

Tears can also be replaced and stimulated with a special hypotonic fluid. The use of inflammation-suppressing drugs and surgery can be done in certain cases of dry eyes. Consultation with an ophthalmologist is necessary for severe cases of dry eyes.


Avoid smoky and polluted environments. Irritation to the eyes can cause complaints of dry eyes to become more severe.

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