Don’t be mistaken, know 7 common myths about soybeans

Soybeans are nuts that have many benefits for the body. However, there are still many myths that make people doubt the health benefits of soybeans. What kind of myths are circulating?

Various myths about soybeans

From causing infertility to increasing the risk of dementia, here are some common myths about soybeans With Dr. Eric Berg DC.

1. Soybeans can interfere with fertility

He said, eating soy in large quantities can affect female fertility.

Many believe that the phytoestrogen content in soybeans can cause fertility problems.

Phytoestrogens are natural chemical compounds that are thought to disrupt the endocrine system.

In fact, eating soy in moderation can actually help women to prepare for pregnancy.

Citing Johns Hopkins Medicine, soybeans can be a healthy snack alternative for women who are undergoing a pregnancy program.

Nuts, including soybeans, have good folic acid content to prevent the risk of spinal cord birth defects.

Even adding a serving of nuts, including soybeans and their derivatives, in a daily meal, is good for women’s reproductive health.

So, claims that soy can affect women’s reproductive health are not true.

2. Soybeans are not a good source of protein

This soybean myth is certainly quite familiar to the ear.

In fact, soybeans are able to supply large amounts of protein, with far lower calories than animal protein sources.

Not only that, soybeans contain amino acids that the body needs, are rich in fiber, and antioxidants, and are free of cholesterol.

Soy also does not contain the saturated fat normally found in animal products. That’s why soybeans are a source of quality protein.

Even if you cook a cup of soybeans, it will contribute 22 grams of protein to the body, which is almost the same as eating a serving of beef steak.

3. Soybeans cause breast cancer

Not a few people doubt the benefits of soybeans because of the myth that soy contains phytoestrogens that cause cancer.

Many claims mention phytoestrogens can trigger the growth of cancer cells because it has a structure similar to the hormone estrogen.

Though various studies show that eating soybeans in large quantities will not increase the growth of breast cancer in women.

On the contrary, soy is believed to reduce the risk of breast cancer.

Launching the website of the National Center for Biotechnology Information, people in East Asia who eat a lot of soybeans have a lower risk of breast cancer and heart disease.

In fact, a study conducted on 300,000 women aged 30-79 years in China showed that only 2289 women reported developing breast cancer.

That means, soybeans have nothing to do with breast cancer and can actually help the body fight cancer cells.

4. Men should not eat soy

Again, this soybean myth is related to the content of phytoestrogens.

Because of the phytoestrogen content, men who eat a lot of soy are thought to tend to have lower (but still within normal) sperm counts.

However, research showing this is still limited.

In fact, the researchers noted other factors such as obesity and being overweight that most men with relatively low sperm counts shared.

What’s more, research by Chavarro and his colleagues showed that it’s not soy that causes a decrease in sperm count, but rather excess weight and an overall unhealthy lifestyle.

That’s why, there is no strong evidence that says soy can reduce male fertility.

So, for men who like to eat fresh soybeans and various other processed soybeans, you don’t have to worry anymore.

Quoting from the National Library of Medicine, soybeans have the potential to reduce the risk of prostate cancer in men.

5. Pregnant women should reduce the consumption of soybeans

You may have heard that women who are pregnant with a boy should avoid soybeans.

The phytoestrogen content in soybeans is suspected to reduce testosterone levels and cause feminine behavior in male fetuses when they grow up.

This claim about soybeans is clearly a myth.

Phytoestrogens in soybeans do work like natural estrogen from the body, but there is no adequate research to support this assumption.

Consuming soybeans in moderation, or about one cup of soy milk a day, is allowed as long as pregnant women do not experience an allergic reaction.

6. Soy imitation meat is healthier than real meat

When on a plant-based diet, you may need a variety of menus to cook plant-based food sources, for example by making soy imitation meat.

Soy imitation meat is soybeans that are cooked in such a way that it resembles meat as for stuffing burgers or hot dogs.

Many believe the myth that soybeans in the form of soy imitation meat are healthier than real red meat.

However, in the process of making soybeans to resemble meat, additional sodium, fat, and even preservatives are needed which are actually detrimental to the body.

In addition, protein in plant-based food sources has fewer essential amino acids than animal protein.

For this reason, consuming soy imitation meat alone cannot meet daily protein needs.

You are also advised to eat foods with more varied sources of nutrients.

7. Soybeans may increase the risk of dementia

You may have heard the myth that soy can increase your risk of dementia.

In fact, this myth has been debunked with recent research on the relationship between soy and human cognitive function.

Quoting from the journal Current Opinion in Lipidology, a high intake of soy is associated with better cognitive function.

In this case, the link between soybeans and dementia is one of the research materials that is still being developed.

So, of all the soybean myths, which one do you hear the most? Is Soy Good or Bad | Soya & Hormones | Effects on Estrogen & Testosterone | Benefits & Side Effects According to FoodFitness&Fun

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