Does Your Child Sleep With His Mouth Open?

Does your baby sleep with his mouth open? This probably happens to most children and many mothers ignore it, but can it cause any disease? The question is very valid because sleeping with the mouth open is not a normal habit, it happens due to some problem or the other. Through this article, we are trying to explain in detail about the child’s habit of sleeping with the mouth open, let’s start with the information and first of all know what is the meaning of sleeping with the mouth open. ?

What does it mean to sleep with your mouth open?

Sleeping with the mouth open means breathing through the mouth during sleep, while breathing through the nose is considered normal. This can be a sign of upper respiratory problems and can lead to health complications if left untreated. Let us know further in the article what happens by breathing through the mouth.

What happens if you breathe through the mouth?

Many physicians and doctors say that mouth breathing can cause many inconveniences and problems in the future, the effect of which lasts for a long time. Breathing through the mouth can also reduce the amount of oxygen in the blood. Over time, this can cause everything from heart problems to high blood pressure. Children who breathe through the mouth during sleep often do not get as deep sleep as they can when breathing through the nose.

Let us know further what are the reasons for sleeping with the mouth open.

Reasons for baby sleeping with mouth open

There can be many reasons for a child sleeping with his mouth open, some of these cause temporary problems and some can cause serious diseases, let us know how.

1. Allergy

Allergies are a common reason why children breathe through their mouth. Babies develop allergies early, resulting in increased mucus production that can block the nose and windpipe. In such a situation, they find it more convenient to sleep with their mouth open.

2. Closed nose or congestion

Newborn babies often sleep with their mouth open and may be experiencing nasal congestion. Retained mucus can block the nose and force the child to breathe through his mouth. This can also happen during summer when the air makes the nose dry. However, infants’ nostrils are so small that they become clogged with very small amounts of mucus.

3. Feeling cold

Even a common cold can cause excess mucus to accumulate in your child’s airways, making it more difficult for him to breathe. This may also result in the problem of a stuffy nose. If you think that the reason for your newborn baby’s mouth breathing is cold, then keeping his nose clean can solve this problem.

4. Sleep Apnea

Enlarged tonsils or adenoids can block the baby’s airway and cause sleep apnea. Sleep apnea is a condition that can cause your baby to snore and stop breathing during sleep. They often start breathing again on their own but there are some cases which can be fatal. Apart from these, in some special cases, congenital disorders related to the tongue like tongue tie or deformity of the nasal bone can also cause mouth breathing.

Is baby sleeping with mouth open a matter of concern?

Many times, a child’s sleeping with his mouth open is due to temporary problems like cold, cough and allergy, which is not a matter of concern. As soon as these problems end, the child will start breathing through the nose. If you notice that the child is breathing through the mouth for a long time and the condition is not improving, then it may be a matter of concern. In such a situation, do not panic, but consult a good ENT specialist.

Children may be at risk of these diseases by sleeping with their mouths open

Breathing through the nose is not only good for the growth of jaws and teeth but it also purifies the breath. Nasal filters work to filter the inhaled air and prevent particles from entering it. Nasal nitric oxide gas prevents and fights any foreign virus or bacteria from entering the body in mammalian organisms. Side effects of mouth breathing include:

  • swollen tonsils

Tonsils are oval-shaped soft tissues located on either side of the throat. They are part of the lymphatic system, which is helpful in protecting against disease and infection. The job of the tonsils is to fight viruses and bacteria that enter the mouth. Sleeping with your mouth open can cause tonsils to become highly infected with viruses and bacteria. Due to infection these tissues can become swollen which is known as tonsillitis.

  • dry cough and dry mouth

Breathing through the mouth dries the throat and tongue, which can cause cough. Dry cough can cause extreme discomfort to the baby at night. Breathing through the mouth can also cause soreness or irritation due to dryness in the throat.

  • teeth and gum problems

Your baby’s teeth or gums may also swell due to mouth breathing, which is caused by bacterial infection that enters the mouth while breathing. Sleeping with your mouth open can also attract fungus, which can lead to swollen gums. Breathing through the mouth also causes overgrowth of naturally occurring yeast in the mouth.

  • bad breath

Breathing through the mouth can also cause bad breath, which also indicates some kind of infection. This reduces the child’s confidence and he does not feel fresh.

How to treat – Treatment of baby sleeping with mouth open

This can be cured with medicines or by taking the child to an ENT specialist, but if this has become a habit, then individual medication and medical consultation is necessary. Consultation of both a pediatric dentist and ENT specialist is necessary. The Pediatric Dentist will advise you to take Oral Myo-functional Appliance Therapy along with Oral Myology exercises. Children will be taught how to sleep with their mouth closed. In this, the child is taught to breathe by placing the tongue on the palate and keeping the lips closed.

When to consult a doctor

If you notice that your newborn baby is having trouble breathing, choking, or his body turning blue or purple, take him to the doctor immediately. These are signs that your baby is not breathing, or is having a lot of trouble breathing. If you keep your baby’s nose clean and he doesn’t have any allergies and he still continues to sleep with his mouth open, take him to a pediatrician.

If the child breathes through the mouth, parents do not need to panic or be overly concerned but rather be attentive to the symptoms. Keep the child as far away from pollution and dust as possible to reduce the risk of developing allergies. You can also get a good nasal spray prescribed by the doctor which is effective in clearing the blocked nose. Remember not to try to give any treatment to children without consulting a doctor.

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