Does Epilepsy Affect Sexual Life?

You must have noticed that some people lose consciousness while working. In the middle, the body becomes stiff and he is unable to understand what anyone is saying and what is ultimately happening to him. In common language this type of disease is called epilepsy.

Health experts believe that epilepsy is a brain disorder in which the nervous system of the person is affected. Due to this disease, a person’s brain is not able to send messages properly to other parts of the body. The result is that the person loses the ability to express his feelings and emotions and starts behaving strangely. Diseases like epilepsy are still considered a form of ghosts and superstition in India.

How Epilepsy Can Affect Sexual Health

Neurologist Dr. Amit Batra says that there can be many reasons for sexual problems and epilepsy is one of them. Doctors say that when a person has an epileptic attack, for a few moments he loses the ability to think, understand and understand what he is doing, due to which sexual ability is also affected. Sometimes this can also be due to changes in sex hormones and anti-seizure medicines. Mental disorders like depression, and anxiety which are common in epilepsy patients can also cause sexual dysfunction.

However, there is no official data to prove that there is any reduction in the fertility of epilepsy patients. This means that an epilepsy patient can live a normal married life.

What should epilepsy patients do?

Doctor says that epilepsy patients should do the following things to improve their sexual ability.

  • Yoga and exercise on a regular basis
  • abstaining from smoking and alcohol
  • Medicines should be taken on the doctor’s advice
  • Including green vegetables and pulses in the diet
  • Stay away from mental problems like stress, and depression.

When should one consult a doctor for epilepsy?

The doctor says that if a person has an epileptic attack, he should immediately contact the doctor. Apart from this, epilepsy patients should contact the doctor in the following circumstances:

Epileptic seizures occurring more than once within a few minutes.

When the mental condition of the person starts deteriorating with the onset of seizures.

Before epilepsy can be treated, its diagnosis is very important.

When should one consult a doctor for epilepsy?

The doctor says that if a person has an epileptic attack, he should immediately contact the doctor. Apart from this, epilepsy patients should contact the doctor in the following circumstances:

  • Epileptic seizures occurring more than once within a few minutes.
  • When the mental condition of the person starts deteriorating with the onset of seizures.
  • Before epilepsy can be treated, its diagnosis is very important.

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