Does Boiling Cause the Loss of Nutrients in Soups and Vegetables?

How to Make Healthy Soup: To avoid diseases in the winter season and keep the body warm from inside, there is a need to eat healthy along with good and warm clothes. This is the reason why many people increase the intake of spices and green vegetables during the winter season. At the same time, some people make soup a part of their daily routine during the winter season.

Soup is made by mixing many types of vegetables, spices and herbs. This is why soup is not only good for health but also proves helpful in keeping the body warm from inside. When it comes to soup, people cook vegetables and spices in water for several hours. But have you ever thought that cooking vegetables with water and spices for so long can destroy their nutrients? If not then think once. Recently, nutritionist Namami Aggarwal has given information about the correct way to make vegetable soup and how its nutrients can be preserved in a post on her Instagram.

How to preserve the nutrients of vegetables?

Experts say that while boiling vegetables for soup, make sure that only its water is used for further stock. Namami Aggarwal says, ‘While boiling vegetables for soup, some people filter it later and prepare the soup after blending the vegetables. By doing this the nutrients of vegetables are completely destroyed. If after boiling vegetables, you use the water as a soup without filtering it, then its nutrients remain intact.

5 Health Benefits of Drinking Soup in Winter

1. Drinking soup during the winter season helps strengthen your immunity so that you can remain safe from bacteria and viruses.

2. Soup is considered to be a treasure trove of many nutrients, but its special thing is that it contains very less amount of calories and fat, hence it helps in weight loss.

3. Very few spices are used in soup compared to any other traditional vegetable dish. Therefore it helps in providing relief from digestive problems.

4. Soup also helps in providing relief from fatigue, headaches, and weakness that people often face during the winter season.

5. Soup also proves to be very helpful in providing internal warmth to the body amid cold winds.

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