Dizzy Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Dizzy Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Dizzy is a condition that describes the feeling of losing balance. Many people think of Dizzy and headaches as the same thing. However, Dizzy is generally a sensation in which a person feels off balance or the head is spinning.

There are two types of Dizzy that need to be distinguished, namely:

  • The first Dizzy is a sensation where a person feels like he is going to pass out and the complaint gets better by lying down.
  • The second Dizzy is caused by vertigo, where the environment feels spinning.


Dizzy is a common symptom and the causes vary. One of the causes of Dizzy is BPPV which has symptoms in the form of sudden spinning Dizzy attacks on changes in head position.

Other symptoms include nausea, vomiting, sleep disturbances and ringing in the ears.


There are many causes of Dizzy. Dizzy can be caused by disorders that affect parts of the body responsible for maintaining balance – such as the inner ear and eyes. Vertigo is one of the most common causes of Dizzy.

Various other causes that can cause Dizzy include:

  • inner ear infection
  • orthostatic hypotension
  • low blood sugar levels
  • less liquid


Determining the diagnosis of the cause of Dizzy requires a medical interview and a careful physical examination. Dizzy induced by changing positions can be seen in Benign Paroxysmal Positional Vertigo (BPPV) and orthostatic hypotension.

Several checks can be carried out, such as:

  • Dix Hallpike maneuver to diagnose BPPV
  • Check blood pressure in various positions to diagnose orthostatic hypotension
  • a complete blood count which includes checking hemoglobin, electrolytes and blood sugar is needed to rule out various metabolic causes of Dizzy


Treatment that can be done to deal with complaints of Dizzy depends on the cause of Dizzy.

If the cause of Dizzy is BPPV, then canalith repositioning therapy can be done. Meanwhile, if the cause is orthostatic hypotension, position changes and administration of vasoconstrictor drugs can be considered.


Prevention of Dizzy depends on the cause. In general, you should avoid sudden position changes.

In addition, make sure you also have sufficient food intake to prevent a shortage of sugar as an energy source. Drink enough water to keep your body in optimal hydration status.

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