Disadvantages Of Drinking Too Much Glucose

Side Effects of Drinking Glucose Water

Disadvantages Of Drinking Too Much Glucose

During the summer season, most people drink glucose to give instant energy to the body. Glucose, which is slightly sour and sweet in taste, is available in many flavors today, due to which it is becoming quite popular among the people. Many times, doctors and health experts advise people to drink glucose to compensate for the lack of water in the body.

This is the reason why most of the young generation people always like to drink glucose during the summer season. But do you know that glucose, which provides instant energy to the body, can increase many of your problems? Consuming excessive amounts of glucose increases the risk of many diseases in the body. To know about the harm that drinking too much glucose can cause to the body, we talked to Delhi-based dietitian Pooja Singh.

What is glucose?

Glucose easily available in the market is actually made from high-grade dextrose. Glucose contains adequate amounts of vitamin D and phosphorus. When the body gets tired after exercise, walking and sports, then drinking glucose provides instant energy to the body. Dietitians say that if glucose is consumed in limited quantity, it is beneficial for health, but consuming it in excessive quantity is harmful.

Disadvantages of Drinking Glucose Water

Blood sugar level increases

Experts say, “To increase the sweetness in glucose, sugar is used in large quantities. When sugar is consumed in excess, it increases the blood sugar level, due to which the risk of diabetes can increase.” Is.” When we suddenly consume glucose at the time of fatigue, it increases the sugar level in the body, which can sometimes prove fatal. According to experts, people who are suffering from problems like diabetes or thyroid should consult a doctor before consuming glucose.

Reason for weight gain

As we have already told that sugar is used to make glucose. If too much sugar is made a part of the diet, it can cause obesity and weight gain. Besides, it also increases the craving for food, due to which you can become a victim of obesity.

Cause Physical inflammation

Consuming excessive amounts of glucose can increase water retention in the body, which causes physical swelling. People who feel swelling in their hands and feet during the summer season should consult a doctor before consuming glucose.

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