Different Types Of Birthmarks

The birth of a child is the most beautiful process of nature, hence mother and father are very curious about the birth of the child. Due to affection, parents often pay attention to the newborn baby. Many times, immediately after birth or after some time, some marks or spots are seen on the child’s skin, seeing which the parents get nervous, but these are not a matter of concern because it is normal to have congenital marks on the child’s skin. In this article, we will know what are these birthmarks and what are the different types of birthmarks.

Birthmarks: What are they and why do they occur?

There are two main types of birthmarks found on children’s skin, which can have different causes.

  1. Vascular Birthmark– Vascular birthmarks occur when a baby’s blood vessels don’t form properly.
  2. Pigmented Birthmark– Such birthmarks are caused by overgrowth in the cells that produce skin color.

Some common types of birthmarks are:

Some common types of birthmarks are as follows (Birthmarks meaning):

Mongolian Spot

Mongolian Spot

These are brown in color and appear on babies with dark skin. They are black-blue in color and are found on the back and buttocks of children. They are the result of excessive pigmentation and fade over time.

Black or Blue Moles

Black or Blue Moles

Moles can come in a variety of sizes and vary in color from light brown to almost black. Moles get smaller as the baby grows but do not heal completely on their own. Large moles that itch or bleed should be shown to a doctor.



Also known as strawberry marks, these appear as flat, red spots on the skin. They gradually emerged and turned dark red. Their growth slows down between 4 and 5 months after which they gradually fade. They leave behind a stretched or wrinkled skin, especially if the scars are large.

Angel’s Kiss or Stork’s Bite

These are slightly reddish skin patches found on the head and neck of babies. They are caused by the expansion of blood vessels near the surface of the skin. Patches on the face fade, but those on the neck do not.

Port Wine Stains

Port Wine Stains

These marks appear on the face and look like juice stain marks. They are purple, red or pink in color. They become darker and larger with age. Port wine stains near the eyes and head may indicate problems with the brain and vision and should be seen by a doctor. The reason they give the port wine color is again due to the presence of blood vessels.

When should a baby’s birthmarks be treated?

Most birthmarks are harmless, and often nothing needs to be done. Remember that there are different types of birthmarks and the treatment for them should be as suggested by the doctor. Treatments purely for cosmetic reasons may not work, be painful or backfire. It is important to understand that some birthmarks cannot be treated.

  1. Laser Treatment: Laser therapy is recommended for birthmarks on the skin surface such as port wine stains.
  1. Steroid: Doctors may recommend topical steroids or inject medication directly into the birthmark to control its growth or to shrink it.
  1. Surgery: Surgery may be used as a last resort to permanently remove a birthmark if other treatments have failed or if the birthmark is interfering with regular life and surgery is the only treatment left.

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