Difference Between Onion, Chives And Shallots

Difference Between Onion, Chives And Shallots

Onion or chive? Or maybe it’s chives? And what about the shallot? Although these four ingredients may have many similarities and are an essential part of countless recipes, the truth is that there are clear differences between them, not only in their name, size, and shape but also in their flavor, aroma, and uses in cooking. kitchen. We analyze in detail the characteristics of each of these vegetables so that you can easily differentiate them and get the most out of them.

What is onion

The onion is a vegetable native to Asia and belonging to the species Allium cepa, whose cultivation today spreads throughout the world. Unlike chives and chives, the onion is characterized by forming bulbs, generally round in shape, fleshy in texture, and arranged in layers inside.

Did you know that there are more than 400 different types of onion? One of the most intense flavors is the yellow one, while the most spicy and acidic is the red one. Less intense are the purple one, which stands out for its sweetness, and the white one, the most common of all due to its softer and more neutral flavor. On the outside, the common onion is covered with a thin, brittle skin that is brown, red, purple or yellow depending on the variety in question.

The bulb (whose diameter usually measures between 3 and 10 centimeters) and the stem are the two parts that are used when integrating it into any of the existing onion recipes. Of course, it is important to know which variety of onion is most suitable for which dishes and also the way in which we are going to cook or consume it.

And the life of this vegetable is almost infinite, and it can be consumed raw in a salad or poached over low heat to make a stew or sauce, baked along with other vegetables or as a garnish for meat or fish, ground or dried as a condiment, fried or battered, integrated into creams or soups, as an ingredient in a pizza, etc.

Be that as it may, onion is not only an ingredient that is liked for its flavor but also for its properties and health benefits. It is said to have a powerful diuretic effect, making it a great ally to prevent fluid retention and in weight loss diets. It is also widely used in traditional medicine for its antibiotic, mucolytic, and expectorant effect, which helps relieve cold symptoms and respiratory problems.

What is chive

Now it’s time to talk about the chive, very similar to the onion, but with some easily identifiable differences. The scientific name of this variety is Allium fistulosum and, unlike the previous one, this one does not form bulbs and has elongated, thin, intense green leaves that grow from a white base.

Due to these characteristics, we could say that the chive is more similar to the calçots typical of Catalan gastronomy or the leek. However, its flavor is more reminiscent of the common onion, although it is softer and sweeter. When making recipes with chives, it is interesting to know that everything is used, from that small white “bulb” to the green leaves, which can be consumed both raw and cooked.

If the scallion stem is taken fresh, it is delicious when chopped and added as a dressing to a salad, a bowl of soupy rice, or a miso soup. It can also be sautéed in a pan to add to any meat or fish dish, roasted in the oven or as part of other dishes such as stir-fries, stews, etc.

Regarding its nutritional value, chives provide important antioxidant properties, in addition to being very rich in vitamins C and K, beta-carotene and other minerals. Unlike the onion, its medicinal uses are not as well known, so all the benefits we can obtain from it (in addition to the freshness it provides) are through its consumption as a culinary ingredient.

What is chives

We are now talking about chives, a vegetable also widely used in gastronomy and belonging to the onion, garlic, and leek family. It is the variety Allium schoenoprasum and it is a bulbous and resistant plant from which long, very thin, and hollow green stems grow that can reach between 20 and 30 centimeters in height. As for its cultivation, it is a more resistant plant than the previous ones, so it tolerates drought better. Its bushy, flat and rounded leaves attract attention, which in summer produce very showy, pink umbrella-shaped flowers.

Unlike onion and chives, this variety has a milder and more delicate flavor. In recipes with chives, very finely chopped and raw stems are used to flavor salads, soups, stews, sauces, both hot and cold creams, etc. It is also very common to use them ground, that is, as a spice. The Chinese variety of chives is widely used as part of the vegetables that are cooked in the wok, but it is important to know that its aroma is lost quickly, so once cut it should be consumed as soon as possible.

In terms of its properties, chives are very similar to onions. And it is not only an excellent dressing, but it is also a powerful natural medicine. In addition to being very low in calories, this plant provides many essential nutrients such as vitamins (C, A, and K), fiber, minerals (potassium, calcium, and phosphorus), and antioxidants. And returning to the diuretic power of onion, chives also play a great role here, as they contain substances that help reduce blood pressure, improving blood circulation.

What is shallot

Finally, we talk about the shallot ( Allium ascalonicum ), the variety of alliaceae that has the most similarities with the first on our list, the onion, and also with garlic. The first difference is that while the onion usually forms a single bulb per plant, in the case of the shallot – also called shallot, shallot or shallot – it can produce between three and six.

In terms of shape, the shallot bulb is more elongated than that of the onion and its size is smaller. It is also easily differentiated by color; On the outside, the skin of the shallot is more reddish if we compare it with the common onion, (remember that within this there are the purple and the red ones, which are not shallots) while its interior has a very characteristic light violet color.

The flavor is another of the keys that will help us identify the shallot. It is spicier, very aromatic, and slightly sweet, which makes it delicious both to eat raw in a salad and to integrate into stews, soups and meat and fish dishes to give them a different touch. There are many recipes with shallots. our scope. It is also delicious if we roast it in the oven along with other vegetables or potatoes, even caramelized with Modena vinegar and accompanied by different cheeses to present a different and delicious appetizer.

Regarding its properties, shallot stands out for being one of the best foods to prevent cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, and other pathologies related to the digestive system. It is a very diuretic, like onion, and a great ally against colds and viruses thanks to its antihistamine, anti-inflammatory, and antioxidant properties.

There are those who love her and also those who hate her. But, without a doubt, the first is the most famous. It is the base ingredient of countless recipes, the queen of any stir-fry, and the culprit of one of the most controversial culinary debates in Spanish gastronomy: the potato omelet, with or without onion? However, no less important are chives and chives, two vegetables that are also widespread and used in kitchens around the world, and with interesting health benefits.

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