Difference Between Vegan And Vegetarian?

Veganism and vegetarianism both mean saying no to meat. So far, so good. However, there are nuances between the two diets that still cause confusion today. What are the differences between being vegan and being vegetarian? Let’s find out.

Green, green, and more green. It is the colour of plant-based cooking, a culinary revolution that is here to stay as a way of life that seeks to reduce the consumption of animal products. We are talking about veganism and vegetarianism, two types of diets that are becoming more and more widespread, whether for health reasons or for reasons of animal and/or environmental awareness. Now, do you know exactly how to differentiate between a vegan and a vegetarian diet? Which foods are suitable in each case?

Veganism vs vegetarianism, the main difference

Although the basis of both currents could be the same (reducing the consumption of animal products), we could say that veganism is a stricter form of vegetarianism. Vegans eat exclusively 100% plant-based foods, so they leave aside any product of animal origin, including meat, fish, poultry, eggs, dairy products, honey or gelatin. On the other hand, vegetarians only eliminate any type of meat and fish from their diet, but they can incorporate other animal products such as eggs, milk, yogurt, honey or cheese, among others.

Broadly speaking, we could also add that while vegetarianism is limited to diet, veganism is a lifestyle that goes beyond food and transcends nutritional barriers. In short, the main difference seems clear: a vegetarian can eat foods of animal origin; a vegan cannot. But we wanted to know more about what it means to be vegan and vegetarian in order to understand their foundations, what types of foods are included and excluded in each case, and what other differences exist between the two currents beyond food. Will you join us?

What is veganism

A vegan person is someone who does not consume any type of food, ingredient or product of animal origin or that has been tested on animals. Therefore, it can be said that, when we talk about food, veganism can be understood as a stricter variant of vegetarianism.

Vegans do not eat meat, poultry, seafood or fish (up to this point we would be talking about a vegetarian diet), and they also strictly avoid consuming products such as eggs, honey or dairy products such as cheese, milk, royal jelly, fermented beverages such as kefir (they do consume water kefir or kombucha ), yogurt or butter. The Vegan Society defines veganism as “a way of life that seeks to exclude, as far as possible and feasible, all forms of exploitation of and cruelty to animals for food, clothing or any other purpose.”

Therefore, it can be said that veganism is a trend that goes beyond diet and is closely linked to ethical issues. A person is vegan because he or she seeks animal welfare above all else, understanding that no living being should be used or exploited by man for consumption. The vegan diet, therefore, is based solely and exclusively on foods of 100% plant origin.

Types of veganism

Within veganism, there are other stricter currents that restrict even more types of foods or products, such as ethical veganism (which extrapolates its ethical foundations to all areas of life such as clothing, personal hygiene or cosmetics), raw veganism (which requires that all foods be cooked below 50º C, that is, at a low temperature), granivorism (only cereals are allowed) or frugivorism (only fruits are consumed). Of course, in all these cases, advice from a professional specialized in nutrition is necessary, since these are very restrictive diets that could put the health of those who practice them at risk.

What is vegetarianism

Vegetarianism, on the other hand, is defined as a diet based primarily on the consumption of plant products, but which allows the use of products from living animals. Therefore, vegetarians do not consume any type of meat or fish, excluding foods such as red meat, white meat or poultry, blue and white fish, seafood, and even insects, although their consumption in our culture is not yet widespread or normalized. However, foods that a vegan would never consume can be included in their diet, such as eggs, honey or dairy products such as cheese, milk, royal jelly, fermented milk such as kefir, yogurt or butter.

As we can see, vegetarianism is less strict than veganism, since its diet does include products that come from living animals. The only restriction in this type of diet is, in short, the consumption of animal organs or tissues. A vegetarian bases his or her diet on foods of plant origin, but not exclusively as a vegan does.

Generally speaking, it can be said that the foundations on which the vegetarian diet is based are not so much ethical. Since it does admit products of animal origin, in most cases a person is vegetarian for health reasons. On the other hand, as we have seen, vegan people are not so much for nutritional reasons, but for mainly ethical and moral reasons associated with respect for animal life and the environment. However, in neither case can it be generalized, since each person experiences their process differently and has their own reasons for deciding to change their diet and/or lifestyle.

Types of vegetarianism

Within vegetarianism there are also other currents such as ovo-lactovegetarianism (does not include the consumption of meat or fish, but does include dairy products and eggs), lacto-vegetarianism (does not allow the consumption of eggs but does allow milk or fermented products such as milk kefir ), ovo-vegetarianism (eliminates milk and its derivatives but not eggs), semi-vegetarianism (avoids all meats except fish and seafood) or apivegetarianism (the only product of animal origin allowed is honey and royal jelly). You already know the last current, and the strictest, is veganism. As in the case of vegan diets, it is important that behind a vegetarian diet there is the support and personalized advice of a nutritionist.

Is a vegan or vegetarian diet healthier?

Veganism and vegetarianism involve eliminating many foods and, therefore, a large number of nutrients, vitamins and minerals that are essential for the health of any person, both physically and cognitively. However, this is not a problem in itself, as it has been shown that both diets are perfectly compatible with an optimal state of health. However, it is important to emphasize that no person should start veganism or vegetarianism on their own, that is, without the supervision of a doctor or professional dietician, as nutritional deficiencies or imbalances could appear. And this is when the following question arises: is veganism or vegetarianism healthier? Are there risks to vegetarian and vegan diets?

It is difficult to say that one diet is healthier than another, because when assessing a person’s health, not only diet must be taken into account, but also other aspects such as lifestyle, physical activity, sleep quality, smoking, consumption of processed foods, etc.

With this in mind, it can be said that both veganism and vegetarianism are diets that offer similar health benefits and that both can have advantages and disadvantages in certain cases. A study carried out by the American Dietetic Association explains that these well-planned diets “are healthy, nutritionally adequate, and can provide health benefits in the prevention and treatment of certain diseases.”

However, it should not be forgotten that these diets can expose the body to some nutritional deficiencies. It is easy to think that a vegetarian will have more certain nutrients than a vegan, such as calcium, phosphorus or vitamin D, obtained from dairy products. Not consuming fish or meat, for example, can lead to a lack of vitamin B12 and significant protein and, in the case of certain fish, there could also be a risk of suffering from a deficiency of omega-3 fatty acids, specifically EPA and DHA, healthy fats necessary for cognitive function.

On the other hand, it is important to know that vegetarian and vegan are not synonyms of good health, since these types of diets are perfectly compatible with the large number of unhealthy processed and ultra-processed products that exist on the market today, both sweet and savoury. So-called fast food, no matter how vegan or vegetarian it is, is still ultimately “junk food” and, therefore, unhealthy.

Vegan vs vegetarian, differences beyond diet

As we pointed out at the beginning, vegans are more so for ethical reasons, out of awareness of the care of the environment and the well-being of all animal species, rather than for health reasons. Although this can also occur in vegetarianism, when a person stops eating meat, it is usually more for health reasons.

For this reason, it is said that veganism goes beyond diet and is defined more as a lifestyle. A vegan is vegan in all aspects of their life, from the use of cosmetics, clothing, footwear, objects dental and body hygiene products, household cleaning, etc. This also includes items made of leather, wool, silk, beeswax, soaps, candles, and other products that contain animal fats, latex products that contain casein, which comes from milk proteins or other products that have been tested on animals or come from them, are outside of their daily life. However, this may not happen in all cases, since following it 100% strictly can be complex and, let’s not forget, more expensive.

What foods do vegans and vegetarians eat?

Fortunately, both vegan and vegetarian diets contain a wide variety of fruits, vegetables, and greens, but also so-called plant-based meat or vegan meat, alternatives to the meat of animal origin that are becoming more and more widespread and that are becoming more and more important in food stores, supermarkets, and restaurants, beyond those strictly labelled as vegan or vegetarian. These types of foods are an important source of protein for people who follow these diets, and among the most consumed are tofu, seitan tempeh, or textured soy.

In addition to these, there are other sources of vegetable protein that are essential in vegetarian and vegan diets. The importance of consuming these foods lies in the fact that they play a fundamental role in carrying out various functions in the body, as well as contributing to the formation and repair of bones, muscles, and other tissues. Among the vegetable foods richest in protein are legumes (soy is without a doubt the legume with the highest protein content), cereals, seeds, nuts, algae, mushrooms, some tubers, avocado, and green leaves, among others.

As we have seen, veganism and vegetarianism are not synonyms. Whether you eat meat or are thinking of following a vegan or vegetarian diet, it is interesting to know the different food alternatives that exist in order to choose the one that best suits our tastes, ethical values ​​or personal and health circumstances. Whatever our choice, let us not forget that this should always be the priority: health. And if you want to know more, you might be interested in discovering the wide variety of vegan recipes and vegetarian recipes with which you can begin to delve into this type of diet.