Development Of Child From 0 To 6 Months

In the first year of life, the newborn baby grows rapidly, increasing in weight and height and passing new growth milestones every month. The transformation from a mostly sleeping newborn to an active baby is remarkable, and before you even realize it happens before your eyes 🙂

Your newborn baby will sleep for the first few weeks after birth, waking up only to feed or change a diaper. Yawning, sneezing, hiccups, and twitching are some of the activities that will be seen in your newborn baby. This is the first stage of a baby’s development and does not last long.

While all children develop at the same pace, each child’s growth and development is due to different hereditary and environmental factors. If you feel that your baby is growing slowly, don’t worry. Development Of Child From 0 To 6 Months

1 month

At one month old, babies sleep less and are awake for longer periods. They will look at you when you talk to them and may open and close their mouths as if they are trying to say something to you. They can follow moving objects, and see colorful toys in front of them. Babies start smiling at this stage of development.

1. A baby may lose weight after birth but then gain it back easily.
2. Hands, legs, and roots begin to move
3. can’t keep my head steady right now
4. Centers eyes at 18 to 45 cm
5. keep seeing high-contrast patterns and objects
6. Start recognizing mother’s voice 🙂

2 months

Babies will smile if you talk to them. Will be able to move their head approximately 180 degrees and follow a person or object. They can hold their head, but are unable to hold their head steady.

1. Relaxes muscles and reduces strain
2. When lying on the stomach, the head remains at about 45 degrees
3. hands start opening
4. try to reach something
5. The eyes move together and can see moving objects at close range.

3 months:

Babies have better head control and are able to lift their heads much higher than their stomachs. At this stage of baby’s development, they become more alert and can keenly observe the movements of their hands. Not only will they smile when you talk to them, they may also respond with happiness. They can now hold the toy held in their hands.

1. can extend arms and legs
2. can flip backward
3. neck hearing sounds and loud noises
4. shows movements of legs and arms

4 months

Babies can now hold their head continuously. If you place them on their stomach, they will be able to keep their head and chest off the ground. They will enjoy playing with their hands. They will delight in the sound a rattle makes. They are curious and constantly looking around. Playing with them will now be enjoyable and they may laugh out loud if you tickle them.

1. weight increases slowly
2. Can raise head approximately 90 degrees
3. attempt to sit on hands
4. attempt to touch objects
5. joining both hands

5 months

Babies have full head control by now, and are able to hold a toy firmly. They enjoy playing with toys, crumpling paper and splashing water in the bathtub. They smile a lot, smile when you talk to them and also smile when they look at their image in the mirror.

1. try to roll from front to back
2. hold toes and toes
3. move forward on the floor
4. Transfer objects from one hand to another.

6 months

Now their legs are stronger and will be able to bear their weight when you make them stand. Babies are more playful at this stage of development and happily hold their feet and suck their toes. They can blow bubbles and stick out their tongue. They enjoy playing with you, but become quiet if a stranger joins the game. They may begin to show stranger anxiety and may even express likes and dislikes for certain foods. Your baby may start making sounds like ‘da, ba, ka’.

1. able to keep head steady
2. Now they can sit straight
3. Can hold small objects and study them
4. can move in both directions

0 to 6-month-old baby food

Breastfeeding and formula feeding: Breastfeeding or formula feeding is essential nutrition for most healthy infants until they are 4–6 months old. Cow’s milk or other dairy products should not be given until at least one year of age. Your baby’s kidneys can’t handle high protein and mineral content well by that age.

0-3 months: 18-32 ounces
4-6 months: 28-40 ounces
7-9 months: 24-36 ounces
10-12 months: 18-30 ounces

Grains and other starchy foods: Rice is the only grain that can be given to a baby before the age of six months. Other grains such as wheat, barley and oats can be introduced after 6 months of age.

0-3 months: nothing
4-6 months: 1/4-1/2 cup cereal (mixed)


0-3 months: nothing
4-6 months: 1/4-1/2 cup puree

Meat, eggs, fish, dried beans, peanut butter

0-5 months: nothing
6-8 months: 1-2 tbsp puree

Plain curd

0-5 months: none
6-12 months: 1-2 tbsp a day after 6 months of age


Most babies get the water they need from breast milk, formula feed or juice. However, in very hot weather, they may need 1/2 to 1 cup a day.

0-5 months: Not during very hot weather, or if the baby has diarrhea otherwise.
6-12 months: As often as baby needs.

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