Dermatillomania Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Dermatillomania Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Dermatilomania is a psychological condition characterized by the desire to repeatedly touch, scratch or scratch one’s own skin. This disease is also known as compulsive skin picking or excoriation disorder.

This condition is a type of impulse control disorder. The difference from Dermatilomania and the habit of scratching found in other skin disorders is that this behavior is generally carried out over a long period of time, causes tissue damage, and causes the individual to experience significant distress and dysfunction.


The repetitive action of scratching the skin in people with Dermatilomania also includes pulling, scratching, or biting healthy or abnormal skin from various parts of the body. The parts of the body that experience it most often are the face, hands, fingers, arms, and legs.

This behavior, while often appearing in adolescence, can occur at any age. Generally, Dermatilomania causes obvious skin breakdown as well as deformity, discoloration, open sores, scarring, or infection. This condition is a long-term condition, although the behavior can fade and appear over time.

Anxiety, depression, embarrassment, or fear of exposure may cause a person to try to hide the involved skin with make-up, clothing, or other means. This condition can also affect normal social interactions leading to uncomfortable relationships with family members and friends.


The cause of Dermatilomania is not known with certainty. However, it is suspected that there are genetic factors that play a role in the occurrence of this condition. Some people with Dermatilomania appear to have an inherited predisposition to certain conditions such as clawing the skin or pulling the hair, as well as mood and anxiety disorders if there are close family members who experience similar complaints.

Other factors, such as individual temperament, stress, and age also play a role in the development of this condition. This persistent skin-scraping behavior often coincides with the onset of puberty.

Dermatilomania can also be associated with behaviors that are used as a way to avoid stressful events or to relieve tension that builds up as a result of negative emotions. For example impatient, frustrated, often feel dissatisfied, or even bored.


If the signs and symptoms of Dermatilomania interfere with daily activities, it is highly recommended to consult a doctor directly. Early diagnosis of this condition can help manage complaints better.

The diagnosis of Dermatilomania is generally determined from the results of a detailed medical interview and direct physical examination by a doctor.


People who experience this condition often try to stop the behavior repeatedly but fail. This is due to the shame associated with Dermatilomania, which can prevent the person from seeking treatment.

Several treatment techniques that can be used for Dermatilomania include cognitive behavioral therapy ( CBT), habit reversal therapy, and various other types of therapy. In addition, several studies have also shown that certain classes of drugs can help relieve complaints.


Because the cause of Dermatilomania is not known for certain, there is no strategy that is known to be completely effective in preventing this condition. However, good treatment can prevent signs and symptoms from recurring.

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