Definition of Zakat, Types

Definition of Zakat

“a certain amount of property that is obligatory to be issued by a Muslim and given to those who are entitled to receive it (the poor and so on) in accordance with the provisions prescribed by Islamic law.”

“one of the pillars of Islam that regulates assets that must be issued to mustahiq.”

What is Zakat?

Zakat in Islam is property issued by a person to be donated to groups who are entitled to receive it. Those who receive zakat are those who need financial assistance. Usually, there is a third party who manages and distributes zakat called amil zakat. The provisions for issuing zakat are regulated by Islam in the third pillar of Islam. So, zakat is also included in the worship of Muslims.

What Can Be Zakat?

Basically, zakat is wealth donated to people in need. For this reason, zakat can be in the form of:

1. Cash
2. Agricultural product
3. Livestock
4. Work Results
5. Investment
6. Savings
7. Gold or Silver
8. Discovery things

Recipients of Zakat

The recipient of zakat is also called mustahiq. Mustahiq is a group of people who are entitled to receive zakat, either directly or through amil zakat intermediaries.

1. poor: People who are not able to meet the needs of life.

2. Poor: People who have few possessions and live in poverty.

3. Amil: The zakat management committee is also entitled to receive zakat.

4. Mualaf: A new convert to Islam.

5. Hamba Sahaya: A slave who wants to free himself from his master.

6. Gharimin: People who have debt but do not have the ability to pay it. For the record, the person who is in debt borrows to meet the needs of his life and these needs are lawful.

7. Fisabilillah: People who fight in the way of God.

8. Ibn Sabil: People who run out of money or supplies on the way.

Types of Zakat

Basically, there are two types of zakat according to Islam, namely:

1. Zakat Fitrah: Zakat which is obligatory to be issued by a Muslim in the holy month of Ramadan ahead of Eid al-Fitr. The amount of zakat issued is 3.5 liters of staple foods such as rice, wheat, and the like. This zakat can be paid directly in the form of rice or cash worth 3.5 liters of rice.

2. Zakat Mal (wealth): This zakat is not determined when it is issued. Can be done all year round. Zakat is paid on the income that a person receives. Generally, the amount of this zakat is 2.5% of the income received.

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