Cherries Can Provide These 7 Health Benefits

Cherries often garnish your favorite sweet pastries. Not only as a decoration, it turns out that you can also enjoy cherries directly or be a friend to eat your favorite yogurt. Cherries are rich in nutrients which are believed to have a myriad of health benefits. What are the benefits for body health? Come on, find the answer in the following review!

The nutritional content of cherries

This small fruit with a beautiful red color has the Latin names Prunus cerasus L. and Prunus avium L. Usually, people serve this fruit as candied fruit or garnish for other foods. You can also enjoy this fruit in a serving of cherry juice.

Despite their small shape, it turns out that cherries contain a lot of nutrients that benefit your body’s health. In 100 grams of cherries, contains various nutrients as follows:

1. Protein: 1,1 gram.
2. Fat: 0.2 grams.
3. Carbohydrates: 16 grams.
4. Sugar: 13 grams.
5. Calcium: 13 mg.
6. Iron: 0.23 mg.
7. Potassium: 222 mg.
8. Thiamin (vitamin B1): 0,027 mg.
9. Riboflavin ( vitamin B2 ): 0,033 mg.
10. Niacin (vitamin B3): 0.154 mg.
11. Vitamin A: 3 mcg.
12. Choline: 6.1 mg.
13. Vitamin C: 7 mg.
14. Folate: 4 mcg.
15. Vitamin K: 2.1 mcg.
16. Vitamin E: 0,07 mg.

Benefits of cherries for health

Based on the nutritional content of cherries, of course there will be benefits if you eat this fruit regularly. The following are various benefits of cherries based on various studies.

1. Overcome inflammation and muscle damage

Inflammation is the body’s response when fighting infection. In the long term, inflammation can cause health problems. A 2018 study in the journal Nutrients found that eating cherries may be beneficial in treating inflammation.

In addition, the consumption of these anti-inflammatory foods also speeds up muscle recovery from damage caused by sports activities. This property is in the anthocyanin and phenolic compounds in cherries.

2. Keeping cholesterol levels stable

People who are overweight often have high cholesterol levels. In order for cholesterol levels to remain stable, food choices must be considered. You who are obese can add cherries as part of a healthy diet to control weight.

Studies show that the consumption of cherries for 4 weeks in obese people can reduce triglyceride levels (blood fat). The benefits of cherries come from anthocyanin compounds that lower triglycerides in the liver. Reducing blood fat levels can protect obese people from heart disease.

3. Reducing oxidative stress

Oxidative stress is a sign that free radical levels are higher than the body’s defenses. This condition can cause damage to body cells. Usually, oxidative stress occurs as a result of the body being exposed to free radicals, namely molecules present in pollution, tobacco cigarette smoke, e-cigarette smoke or vape.

Luckily, you can manage oxidative stress by eating antioxidant-rich foods, such as cherries. The benefits of antioxidants in sweet cherries and sour cherries can reduce cell damage due to oxidative stress.

4. Helps lower blood pressure

Normal blood pressure helps keep the heart healthy. If the pressure is high, it could be that you have hypertension and are also at risk of developing heart disease in the future. The reason is, high blood pressure makes the heart harder to pump blood.

If you want your blood pressure to stay stable, consuming cherries regularly can be an easy way. Cherries have benefits in lowering blood pressure because they stimulate a decrease in endothelin-1 (ET-1).

Endothelin is the result of endothelium secretion which causes a reduction in the cross-section of blood vessels so that it can increase blood pressure. If the level of endothelium decreases, it means that the level of blood pressure will also decrease.

5. Has the potential to reduce the risk of diabetes

The benefits of cherries also have an effect on blood sugar levels which have the potential to prevent diabetes. The results of the study show that the anthocyanins in cherries can lower blood sugar by slowing the production of glucose from complex carbohydrates and glucagon by pancreatic alpha cells.

This effect can increase liver glucose uptake and stimulate insulin production by the pancreas. Insulin is a hormone whose job is to regulate blood sugar levels. That means, if insulin production increases, it will be easier for the body to lower blood sugar levels.

6. Maintain mental health

The content of anthocyanins and antioxidants, such as polyphenols in cherries, turns out to provide benefits for mental health. First, cherry nutrition can protect brain cells from oxidative damage and improve brain function in terms of memory.

Second, regular consumption of cherries can improve sleep quality, which is also closely related to mental health. Someone who is sleep deprived usually has a bad mood the next day. In the long run, lack of sleep can cause a person to be easily stressed and at risk of developing mental disorders.

7. Helps prevent recurrence of arthritis and gout

Arthritis or arthritis and gout are conditions that are common and prevent a person from carrying out their daily activities due to disturbing symptoms. People with this condition need to maintain their lifestyle so that their symptoms do not recur. One of them is by paying attention to food choices.

Well, cherries actually have benefits for people with gout and arthritis. Regular consumption of fresh cherries can prevent the recurrence of arthritis symptoms. In addition, cherries can also restore plasma uric acid concentrations to normal levels.

Tips for safely enjoying cherries

The benefits of cherries are a shame if you miss them, right? Relax, you can get the benefits of this fruit by adding it to your snacks.

In the market, there are fresh cherries and in candied fruit dishes. However, you are better off choosing fresh cherries because their nutritional content is still complete and certainly does not contain added sugar. Besides enjoying the fruit directly, you can also serve it as a fruit salad, juice, smoothies, or fruit pudding.

Do not forget, to wash the fruit first before you consume it. Also, make sure you don’t overdo it in consuming this fruit.

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