Chagas Disease Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention

Chagas Disease Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention


Chagas disease or ‘kissing bugs’ is a disease caused by the parasite Trypanosoma cruzi. This disease is not transmitted between humans, so it is also called insect kissing disease because it is transmitted by triatomine insects. These insects usually bite humans through thin skin, such as the eyes or mouth when humans sleep.

The actual infection occurs not because of a bite, but because of insect feces. The insects bite humans and become carriers of T. cruzi in their feces. Feces can infect the human body from the nose, mouth, or the bite itself.        

Although the main cause of human infection is from triatomine insects, the parasite can also infect in other ways. Some of the ways include:

  • Blood transfusions or organ transplants from sufferers
  • Eating raw food that has been contaminated with parasites or eating undercooked meat from infected animals
  • Pregnant women who are infected can transmit the disease to the fetus in the womb

This disease is quite dangerous, especially if it infects young children or people with weak immune systems.


Chagas disease has two phases, namely the acute phase and the chronic phase.

Symptoms that appear in the early or acute phase are usually only mild complaints, including:

  • fever, weakness like flu symptoms
  • rashes, sores
  • vomit
  • diarrhea
  • no appetite
  • swelling of the eyelids (Roman’s sign)

These early symptoms usually go away on their own within a few weeks or months. However, parasites can remain in the body in a dormant state (stop growing due to conditions that do not allow growth), for up to several years.

If the disease enters the final or chronic phase, it can trigger dangerous conditions. Conditions that can arise such as:

  • heart problems such as heart enlargement, heart rhythm abnormalities, heart failure and even heart attacks
  • digestive disorders such as an enlarged colon
  • blood clots


Chagas disease is caused by the Trypanosoma cruzi parasite which is usually found in triatomine insects. The insects bite humans and become carriers of T. cruzi in their feces. Feces can infect the human body from the nose, mouth, or the bite itself.          

These insects usually bite humans while sleeping. The parts of the body that are bitten most often are areas with thin skin, such as the eyes or mouth.


It is quite difficult to make a diagnosis of Chagas disease in its early stages. This is because the symptoms are similar to the flu. To confirm this disease, the doctor will do blood tests and also an EKG in the process of determining the diagnosis.


In its early stages, Chagas disease is fairly easy to treat. Medicines to kill parasites are benznidazole and nifurtimox. The drug must be taken for 2 months. Treatment will be effective if the drug is consumed as soon as possible after infection.

The longer and later, the less effective the drug will be. This medicine cannot be consumed by pregnant women but can be used for newborns. However, you need to consult a doctor first.


There is no vaccine to prevent infection with Cahagas disease. The most effective way to prevent this disease is to avoid triatomine insects. These insects tend to live in houses made of mud, adobe and thatch.

Another action you can take is to use a mosquito net when sleeping. In addition, make sure you always clean the house regularly.

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