Some of you who have experienced back headaches certainly don’t want to feel it again.
When a headache attacks, a feeling of heaviness, aches and pain usually comes at the same time. It can even spread to the nape or neck.
This type of headache is often interpreted as a complaint that arises due to high cholesterol or high blood pressure. In fact, the cause is not always related to these two things.
Apart from wrong body posture, there are several other factors that cause you to experience back headaches.
Here are ten causes of back headaches that you should know:
1. Tension Type Headache

Tension headaches or tension type headaches are a type of headache with symptoms of dull pain around the head.
Usually the back of the head will also experience excruciating pain. This type of headache is often experienced by adults. The triggers can be various things, such as light, stress, and dehydration .
2. Subarachnoid hemorrhage
The next cause of back headaches is subarachnoid hemorrhage . This condition can occur, especially in people who have recently experienced an injury to their head.
Usually, people with this condition require a CT scan of the head to confirm the diagnosis of bleeding.
3. Giant Cell Arteritis
Back headaches due to giant cell arteritis usually involve the blood vessels in the occipital region, which are at the back of the head.
This disorder can attack almost all blood vessels in the body, such as blood vessels in the head, eyes and extremities.
4. Neuralgia Trigeminal
Trigeminal neuralgia is another cause of back headaches.
This condition is triggered by blood vessels pinching the trigeminal nerve, and can cause pain in the face and back of the head.
5. Neck Muscle Spasm
One of the neck disorders that often causes complaints of headaches in the back is neck muscle spasms.
Injuries to the neck or incorrect positioning of the head for a long time are usually prone to causing back headaches.
6. Brain Tumor
The next cause of back headaches is brain tumors . Tumors in the brain can cause damage to brain tissue and nerves.
Tumor pressing into surrounding tissue can also cause various nerve-related symptoms, such as:
1. Sight problem.
2. There are problems with the sensation of touch in the feet and hands.
3. Hearing impairment.
4. Headache
7. Migraines
In general, migraines are characterized by throbbing in the back of the head. Sufferers can even experience nausea and vomiting.
8. Excessive exercise
When exercising, there is an increase in the need for blood to circulate, resulting in widening of the blood vessels in the neck.
This condition can trigger complaints of headaches known as exertional headaches.
9. Alcohol Use
Back headaches can also be triggered by alcohol. This drink has diuretic properties that work on your kidneys, so you urinate more.
Losing fluids from your body like this can cause dehydration, which can cause headaches.
10. Consuming Processed Foods
Processed foods and preservatives can trigger migraines in some people. This is because of the high salt content in these foods.
Consuming foods high in salt (sodium) can increase blood pressure, causing headaches or migraine attacks.
You should not allow dizziness or back headaches. If you experience this frequently, don’t hesitate to immediately consult a doctor for further evaluation.