Breast Cancer Definition, Reason, Symptoms, Treatment & Prevention
Breast cancer is a type of cancer that develops in breast cells. This type of cancer can occur when cells in the breast organ grow with an abnormal mechanism. These cells divide faster than normal cells and accumulate, forming lumps or masses.
If not treated immediately, these abnormal cells can spread through the lymph nodes to other parts of the body. Also, although it is much more common in women, breast cancer can also occur in men.
There are several signs and symptoms of breast cancer to watch out for, such as:
- A lump in the breast or hardening that is different from the surrounding tissue.
- Changes in the size, shape, or appearance of the breast.
- Changes in the skin of the breast, such as indentation.
- Retraction or inversion of the nipple.
- Peeling of the skin around the nipple.
- Redness or enlargement of the breast skin pores, which can resemble an orange peel.
Sometimes, breast cancer does not show any specific symptoms. Therefore, it is very important to do BSE or check your own breasts every month, 10 days after your menstrual period ends. Carefully feel your own breast clockwise.
Consult a doctor if you find anything unusual. Apart from being aware, you are also advised to do breast cancer screening or screening with the mammography method regularly at least once a year or according to the doctor’s instructions.
The cause of breast cancer is not known with certainty. Experts estimate that about five to ten percent of the incidence of breast cancer is associated with genetically inherited gene mutations.
In addition, there are several risk factors for breast cancer, namely:
- Gender. The incidence of breast cancer in women is much higher than in men.
- Age. As you get older, the risk of developing breast cancer increases.
- Personal history of breast cancer. If a person has had breast cancer in one breast, the risk of developing breast cancer in the other can also increase.
- Family history of breast cancer. If a grandmother, mother, aunt, sister, brother or child is diagnosed with breast cancer, especially at a young age, a person’s risk of breast cancer can also increase.
- obesity. Being overweight is now associated with a growing number of other health problems such as heart problems, diabetes and cancer, including breast cancer.
- Start menstruating at a younger age. Starting menstruation before age 12 is associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
- Starting menopause at an older age. Starting menopause at an older age is also associated with an increased risk of breast cancer.
- Radiation exposure.
- Never been pregnant.
Determination of the diagnosis of breast cancer can be obtained through a series of medical procedures, direct physical examination, and certain supporting examinations. On physical examination, the doctor will examine both breasts and lymph nodes in the armpit area, to feel for lumps or other abnormalities.
Common investigations include a mammogram, which is a photo of the breast for breast cancer screening. If the mammogram results show an abnormality, the doctor will recommend another supporting examination process for further evaluation.
Ultrasonography (USG) of the breast can also be done to determine if the existing breast lump is a solid mass or a fluid-filled cyst. In addition, Computerized Tomography (CT) scans and Magnetic Resonance Imaging (MRI) may also be performed.
A biopsy examination is then a necessary way to confirm the diagnosis of breast cancer. The tissue sample taken at the time of the biopsy will be sent to the laboratory to determine whether the cells from the lump are malignant and are cancer cells or not.
Handling of breast cancer from one patient to another patient can vary. This depends on the type of cancer experienced, the stage of the cancer, the size of the mass, and the sensitivity of the cancer cells to hormones. Doctors will also consider the individual’s overall health status as well as each patient’s personal preferences.
Most patients who undergo surgical procedures for breast cancer also receive other treatments before and/or after surgery, such as chemotherapy, hormonal therapy, or radiation therapy.
Surgical procedures for breast cancer include removing the cancer or lump (lumpectomy), removing the entire breast (mastectomy), removing a limited number of lymph nodes ( sentinel node biopsy ), or removing some of the lymph nodes ( axillary lymph node dissection ). The surgical procedure performed also depends on the stage and spread of breast cancer.
Radiotherapy can also be performed using X-ray energy and protons to kill cancer cells. While chemotherapy is done by using drugs to kill cancer cells. Hormone-blocking therapy may be used if the cancer is known to be sensitive to the hormones estrogen or progesterone.
Due to the high rate of breast cancer in Indonesia, every woman is advised to adopt a healthy lifestyle which includes a balanced nutritional diet, regular exercise, adequate rest, and good stress management.
Breastfeeding women are known to have a statistically lower tendency to develop breast cancer later in life. Even so, still rely on a healthy lifestyle for those of you who have never breastfed or not.
In addition, for women who are known to have a high risk of developing breast cancer, more routine and thorough examinations are certainly very necessary. There are several options for checking methods or certain health procedures that can be discussed first with the doctor to determine the most ideal prevention strategy.