It is not a novelty that Brazilian women have, almost by nature, a spectacular butt . That is why, more and more, the Brazilian method to increase buttocks is becoming fashionable. And it is that, despite the fact that genetics has a lot to do with that part of the world, Brazilian women have their little tricks hidden up their sleeves to have these scandalous buttocks.
If you also want to have an amazing butt, don’t miss this article on the Brazilian method to increase buttocks. You’ll be surprised!
Table Of Content
1. How to have the body of a Brazilian
2. The secret of the Brazilian buttocks
3. Brazilian squats
4. Reverse lunge exercises for glutes
5. Donkey kick exercise for glutes
6. Other exercises to increase the buttocks
How to have the body of a Brazilian
Each country has its customs in terms of food, as well as in terms of exercise. And it is that when we talk about exercise, we are not referring to the exercise performed in the gym, but to the one carried out day by day in a natural way, such as the simple act of walking. How to do exercises to increase the buttocks
Far from resorting to stereotypes, the truth is that in Brazil the diet is not the same as, for example, in Spain or the United States, where it is very common to resort to fast food and, in general, a very inadequate diet.
What is the typical food of Brazil?
Brazilian cuisine is basically fed by three types of food: indigenous, European and African. If we consider that the gastronomy of the first and third is very rich in fruits, seeds and other products directly taken from the land, we can get a slight idea that in Brazil, in general, they eat much healthier than in other countries. As a consequence, their bodies are already much healthier and more beautiful.
The exercise in Brazil
Brazil has many faces, that is, there are very developed areas and others that are very poor. Therefore, we could say that there are many types of Brazil. In developed areas, public transport is as frequent as in other countries of the world. However, in less developed areas, people are not so lucky, and their best way of getting around is on foot.
In a generic way, if we add the rich Brazilian diet with daily exercise, as a result we will obtain a body of scandal.
The secret of the Brazilian buttocks
The Brazilian method to increase buttocks consists, of neither more nor less than exercising 6 times a week, leaving one day of rest. According to Gabriella Whited’s Brazilian Butt Lift Workout (get booty in 1 WEEK)
But do not be scared, these exercises that are carried out are brief, but very, very intense and also something special. These types of exercises focus a lot on working the three gluteal muscles: the major, the middle and the minor.
Of course, it is important to take care of your diet and lead a healthy lifestyle. Without proper nutrition, not only could you not achieve the results you want, but you could also have problems with food deficiencies.
If you also want to have the body of a Brazilian and show off perfect buttocks, pay attention to these exercises that we bring you below.
Brazilian squats
Brazilian squats are a bit different from normal squats. The difference? Instead of going up and down with the help of both legs, the Brazilian method to increase buttocks consists of doing lateral squats, that is, first with one leg and then with the other.
How to do Brazilian squats
- It is very important that you stretch before doing this activity. Otherwise, you could hurt your muscles.
- Once you’ve warmed up, stand with your legs slightly apart.
- Next, lean to one side and drop all your weight onto that leg.
- Go down as far as you can, with your arms extended and pushing your buttocks out.
- Then do the same with the other leg.
Repeat this exercise about 15 times for each leg. If you are constant, you will see the results in less than a month. If you want to know more, you may also be interested in this other article on The best squats for glutes and legs.

Reverse lunge exercises for glutes
This is another of the most useful exercises in the Brazilian method to increase the buttocks since it strengthens the muscles in that area. To carry it out correctly, you must follow the following steps:
- First, we will slightly open our feet up to the height of our hips.
- Then, we will bring one leg forward and the other back.
- Next, we lower slowly until almost touching the knee with the ground.
- We maintain that position for about 10 seconds and go up again.
- Meanwhile, the front leg should be at a height of 90º, otherwise, instead of working the glutes, we will work the quadriceps.
- Then we do the same with the other leg.
the idea is to do about 15 repetitions with each leg.
Donkey kick exercise for glutes
This is another ideal exercise if you are looking to lift your buttocks at home. In fact, it’s even more effective if you add weighted anklets. Next, we explain step by step what the donkey kick exercise for glutes consists of:
- First of all, put on the ankle weights in the corresponding area.
- Then, on a mat, get down on all fours, like the animal that gives this exercise its name.
- Next, raise one leg until you feel your glutes work. When you notice it, stand there and hold for about 10 seconds.
- Then repeat the same with the other leg.
Ideally, you should perform a series of 15 repetitions with each leg. You can also perform the exercise without the ankle cuffs, but you will work less on the gluteal muscles.
Other exercises to increase the buttocks
There are many exercises that can be carried out to work this area of the body. However, if you want to follow the Brazilian method to increase buttocks, you must increase the intensity and frequency of these exercises. Of course, since these are such intense activities, we repeat once again the importance of eating a proper diet, as well as drinking lots and lots of water.
And if what you have set out to do is find out how to have big and firm buttocks in a week, we encourage you to try these and other exercises for buttocks that you can find below:
we hope you liked this article about the Brazilian method to increase buttocks. However, we also remind you that you should not obsess or exercise more than you should. Therefore, if you are not sure what your daily physical routine could be, it is recommended that you go to a professional. How to increase hip size in men

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