Bleeding Gums Often? Beware Gingivitis!

Gums often bleed suddenly? Watch out, you could be experiencing gingivitis!

Gums are an important organ whose health is often neglected. The proof, when the gums bleed, some people will consider it a normal condition that will heal by itself. In fact, bleeding gums are not always caused by trivial things. This situation can also occur due to complaints of gingivitis.

Gingivitis is inflammation of the gums. The most common cause of this condition is plaque that builds up on the teeth, which can then harden and turn into tartar or calculus. The longer plaque and tartar remain on the surface of your teeth, the more irritated your gums will be. In the end, the onset of inflammation is unavoidable. If it is like this but the patient does not go to the dentist, the gums will become swollen and bleed easily.

In more advanced stages, gingivitis can cause gaps between the gums and teeth, which makes it easier for bacteria to enter and damage the roots of the teeth. In addition, advanced gingivitis is also very likely to cause shrinkage of the gums. Also, the attachment between the gums and teeth is increasingly threatened to fall out ( periodontitis ).

Gingivitis risk factors and solutions

Bad habits, such as smoking or chewing tobacco and also poor oral hygiene can increase the risk of gingivitis. Other factors, such as long-term consumption of certain drugs, metabolic diseases such as diabetes, and the incidence of immune-lowering diseases such as HIV / AIDS can also increase the risk of developing gingivitis with symptoms of bleeding or swollen gums.

On the other hand, to prevent gingivitis, you must keep your teeth and mouth clean. The trick is to do the following:

  1. Brush teeth 2 times a day

Brush your teeth at least 2 times a day. Make sure you use a suitable toothbrush and fluoride toothpaste.

  1. Use antiseptic mouthwash

Use a mouthwash that contains chlorhexidine. Mouthwash with these ingredients has proven to be effective in killing bad bacteria in the mouth and is also effective in treating gingivitis.

  1. Check with the dentist

Everyone is strongly encouraged to visit the dentist regularly, at least every 6 months. With this action, the health of your teeth and mouth can be monitored properly. If a problem is found, the doctor can immediately take action to overcome it.

Don’t take bleeding gums for granted, let alone let it happen continuously. Immediately go to the dentist to get treatment quickly and precisely. Because basically, gingivitis that causes bleeding gums can also indicate a serious disease, such as leukemia, chronic liver disease, and Langerhans Cell Histiocytosis.

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