Blackhead Removal Masks You Can Try at Home

Blackhead Removal Masks You Can Try at Home

Those with oily skin types may be familiar with the presence of blackheads. Although relatively mild, this type of acne can certainly reduce self-confidence. Well, one of these ways is to use a blackhead remover mask.

The Choice of Masks to Remove Blackheads

Blackheads are a mild type of acne and are formed due to clogged skin pores due to excess oil and sebum secretion. Left unchecked, blackheads can develop into annoying and painful pimples.

Luckily, you don’t need to go to a doctor to treat this problem. Below are a number of choices of blackhead removal masks that can be made at home.

1. Clay masks

Clay masks are masks made from various types of clay which are believed to absorb oil and bacteria. This blackhead removal mask is also claimed to make the skin look cleaner.

Even though there hasn’t been any specific research related to clay masks for removing blackheads, there’s nothing wrong with doing so. Clay masks consist of several minerals which are said to be able to bind dirt on the skin.

The dirt is pulled into the mask and cleaned when you rinse your face. Thus, a clay mask can deeply cleanse the skin while removing excess oil that clogs pores.

2. Charcoal mask (charcoal mask)

Apart from masks made from clay, another natural ingredient that you can use to get rid of blackheads is charcoal.

Charcoal mask or charcoal mask is known as a fairly effective blackhead remover. This is because the active compounds in charcoal can help attract bacteria, dirt, and oil that clog pores.

You can get charcoal masks at your nearest beauty shop or make your own using bentonite clay and activated charcoal powder.

3. Lemon mask

The use of lemon is quite beneficial for dealing with skin problems, including acne and blackheads. Thanks to the content of vitamins and antioxidants in this citrus fruit, lemon can be used as a mask to remove blackheads.

You see, lemon contains citric acid which has a drying effect on the skin. This means that this type of acid may be able to control excess oil production in the skin, which has the potential to prevent blackheads.

You can mix lemon juice with other natural ingredients to make masks, such as sugar or honey. Even so, you need to be careful because lemon can cause side effects, especially for sensitive skin types.

Is it Really Effective to Use Lemon for Acne?

4. Oatmeal and yogurt mask

Apart from being eaten, the combination of oatmeal and yogurt turns out to produce a powerful blackhead remover mask. Oatmeal is a substitute for exfoliators or ingredients that can exfoliate dead skin cells because they have a rough texture.

Meanwhile, the lactic acid in yogurt helps clean and brighten the skin.

You can make this mask with easy steps. Just mix a few tablespoons of yogurt and oatmeal and apply it on the stubborn blackheads.

5. Egg-white mask

Egg white is not only healthy food but also nutritious for skin health.

With its sticky texture, the egg white mask easily sticks to the nose and removes blackheads by shrinking pores.

In fact, some people believe that the protein content in it tightens the skin to prevent blackheads from forming. Unfortunately, there is no specific research that proves this claim.

6. Turmeric and sandalwood mask

Turmeric masks are known to be good for skin health, especially when you want to brighten your skin tone. However, not many people know that a mixture of turmeric and sandalwood can produce blackhead removal masks.

Launching Phytotherapy research, turmeric offers therapeutic properties when applied topically to the skin and helps improve a number of skin problems, including acne.

Meanwhile, sandalwood oil is anti-inflammatory and anti-infective. As a result, the skin will be free from irritation, unless you have an allergic reaction to this wood. Therefore, always do a patch test before trying this mask.

7. Green tea and aloe vera mask

Drinking green tea does have a myriad of health benefits thanks to the polyphenol content in it. Not only that, the use of green tea topically is said to play an important role in overcoming skin problems such as blackheads.

Although there is no research that really proves it, the use of green tea on the skin is believed to soothe the skin.

Meanwhile, aloe vera which is used as a mask has anti-acne properties which can certainly improve the quality of blackheads. So, feel free to give it a try with a note to do a patch test before using this mask.

You can make or find a number of blackhead removal masks that have been mentioned easily. However, always consult a dermatologist or dermatologist before trying the natural ingredients above.

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