Biology Meaning – Definition & Synonyms

Biology MeaningDefinition & Synonyms

The word biology is made up of two Greek words: bios ( “life” ) and logos ( “study” ). It is a natural science that is dedicated to analyzing the properties and characteristics of living organisms, focusing on their origin and development. For example: “Next week I have to take a biology exam”, “A biology expert at the University of San Diego announced the discovery of a new species of shrimp”, and “You can’t expect a dog to act contrary to its biology.

The object of study of biology

Biology investigates those attributes that characterize specimens as individuals and species as a group, studying their behaviors, their interrelationships, their links with the environment, and their reproductive habits.

This science seeks to discover, through the analysis of structures and processes, those general laws that regulate organic functioning.

Fleming’s contribution

There are many biologists who throughout history have left their indelible mark on this science through or thanks to the set of research and discoveries made that, in one way or another, have managed to mark our past, our present or our future.

This would be the case, for example, of the Scot Alexander Fleming who made two important discoveries for humanity. On the one hand, there would be lysozyme, which is responsible for functioning as a barrier against infections. And on the other hand, we would have to talk about penicillin, which is a biochemical substance that is used in the scientific field to combat a set of diseases that originate as a consequence of the action of various microorganisms.

Pasteur’s contribution to biology

But we cannot ignore the figure of another biologist of great importance in world history. We are referring to the Frenchman Louis Pasteur, who stands out especially because we owe him the well-known thermal process of pasteurization, which is the one to which certain liquids, such as milk, are subjected to kill any bacteria or molds they may have.

In the same way, this scientist has also gone down in the annals of history for having been one of the initiators of what are vaccines against infectious diseases or for having created the vaccine against rabies. Discoveries and advances that he achieved have earned him the status of the pioneer of modern microbiology.

Diversity of fields of study

It is important to keep in mind that biology covers various fields of study that are often considered independent disciplines. We can mention molecular biology, molecular genetics, biochemistry, and cell biology, among others.

Beyond the differences, all branches of biology have certain common postulates and principles that make science a unit. One of the basic ideas of biology holds that all life forms share the same ancestor. Today’s differences are explained by the theory of evolution. This theory demonstrates why very different-looking organisms share a large number of processes and characteristics.

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