These are 14 Super Benefits of Ciplukan Fruit or Golden Berry

Golden berries are known throughout the world for their benefits as a superfood and health benefits. Golden berry is scientifically known as Physalis peruviana. This marble-sized, yellowish fruit comes from South America.

Uniquely, the “golden berry ” is more closely related to tomatoes and eggplants than berries in general. In Indonesia, this fruit is known as ciplukan.

Golden berries contain low-calorie levels and consist mostly of vitamins and minerals. However, the richness of this fruit is its high concentration of antioxidants, such as polyphenols and carotenoids.

The high amount of two antioxidants in this fruit makes the demand for golden berries very large in the world. The taste of golden berries is sweet and sour, so they are popular in various cakes, candies, and salads.

Berries can also be eaten on their own as a healthy snack, either fresh or dried. Golden berries contain many nutrients that are very good for health. The following are the super benefits of golden berries, as reported from Organic Facts :

1. High Antioxidant Content

The most important benefit of ciplukan fruit comes from its high antioxidant content. Therefore, this tiny fruit is ideal for preventing chronic diseases, such as some types of cancer.

The carotenoid and polyphenol compounds contained in this fruit can neutralize free radicals. This makes this fruit a “superfood”. Several studies have also shown that polyphenols can stop the spread of various types of cancer.

2. Anti-inflammatory

The high antioxidant content in golden berries helps reduce inflammation. If you suffer from arthritis, gout, muscle aches, chronic pain, even hemorrhoids, the anti-inflammatory compounds in golden berries can relieve these conditions and improve overall health.

The anti-inflammatory content in this fruit can improve heart health by reducing inflammation in the arteries and blood vessels, as well as preventing the development of atherosclerosis and coronary heart disease.

Golden berries are also effective in lowering blood pressure, reducing the symptoms of hypertension, and providing relief for the heart.

3. Help Weight Loss

As a low-calorie food (only 53 calories per 100 grams), golden berries are the right choice for those of you who are on a diet. This golden yellow fruit provides most of your daily nutritional needs but does not contribute fat or negative calories.

4. Balanced Cholesterol

Many people consider fat to be a negative component. However, humans need various essential fatty acids which play a role in many processes in the body.

For example, the oleic and linoleic acids in golden berries. They can lower the amount of LDL (bad cholesterol) in the body and re-establish cholesterol balance to ensure a healthy heart.

5. Cancer Prevention

Withanolides are rarely mentioned in health food discussions, because they are so rare to find. However, withanolides are found in golden berries. This unique organic compound is similar to that found in ginseng.

Withanolides are powerful antioxidants and anti-inflammatory agents that can induce apoptosis or automatic cell death. They can also slow or inhibit the spread of cancer cells throughout the body.

6. Control Blood Sugar Levels

Some compounds found in golden berries can slow the breakdown and intake of simple sugars from carbohydrates. As a result, the body and bloodstream are not flooded with sugar, and the insulin receptors are regulated properly.

Drastic fluctuations in blood sugar levels are the main cause of diabetes. This means, consuming ciplukan is an effective prevention method and treatment for type 2 diabetes.

7. Improve Liver and Kidney Health

The withanolide content in golden berries has been linked to reducing liver scarring and inhibiting the rate of liver degradation.

Additionally, this fruit is associated with optimal kidney health because it helps eliminate toxins by stimulating urination and removing excess fat, salt, and toxins from the lymphatic system.

8. Improve Vision Function

Due to their high carotenoid content, these golden berries are often recommended for improving eye health.

Carotenoids can relieve oxidative stress in the ocular system, prevent the development of cataracts, and slow the onset of macular degeneration. This means that your eyesight continues to work well as you get older.

9. Strengthens the Immune System

The high vitamin C content in golden berries makes them very good for the immune system. Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) stimulates the production of white blood cells while also having certain antioxidant properties.

Additionally, vitamin C is a major component in the production of collagen, which helps in repairing and producing cells, tissues, organs, and blood vessels.

10. Maintains digestive health

Ciplukan fruit has many benefits for digestive health. The fiber content helps prevent constipation and maintains intestinal health by improving bowel movements.

The antioxidants in this fruit also help reduce the risk of inflammation in the digestive tract and protect cells from damage caused by free radicals. Apart from that, ciplukan fruit can also help increase nutrient absorption in the body.

By consuming ciplukan fruit regularly, you can maintain your digestive health and support optimal digestive function.

11. Improves Bone Health

Ciplukan fruit has significant benefits in improving bone health. The high calcium and phosphorus content in this fruit is very important for maintaining bone strength and density.

Calcium is one of the main minerals required for the formation of strong bones, while phosphorus helps in the absorption of calcium and maintains bone structure.

By consuming ciplukan fruit regularly, you can help prevent the risk of osteoporosis and maintain your bone health into old age.

12. Maintain dental health

The calcium content in this fruit is very important for strengthening teeth and jaw bones. In addition, the antioxidants and other substances in ciplukan fruit can help protect teeth from damage and infection.

Regular consumption of ciplukan fruit can help maintain healthy teeth and prevent problems such as tooth decay, tooth decay and gum problems.

13. Overcoming Insomnia Problems

The iron content in this fruit can help improve sleep quality and overcome sleep problems such as insomnia or waking up in the middle of the night.

Iron is known to help increase the production of hemoglobin in the blood, which can increase oxygen supply throughout the body, including the brain.

By consuming ciplukan fruit regularly, you can help overcome your sleep problems and get more restful and quality sleep.

14. Helps the Aging Process

The antioxidant content in this fruit, such as vitamin C and flavonoids, helps fight free radicals which can cause cell damage and premature aging.

This antioxidant also helps maintain skin elasticity and moisture, thereby helping keep skin healthy and youthful.

By consuming ciplukan fruit regularly, you can help protect your skin from damage caused by aging and maintain a fresh and youthful appearance.

These are the super benefits of ciplukan fruit. Just don’t eat unripe golden berries because they can be poisonous.

If you are worried about the possibility of being allergic to this fruit but want to enjoy its benefits, consult your doctor first to get the best solution.

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